when you accidentally hurt Hank (requested)

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The sound of the front door closing from downstairs and the sound of Rosé calling out for you made you excitedly jump out of bed.

Hank instinctively followed you down the stairs.

He tends to follow you around a lot and just as you were, he was excited that Rosé was home earlier than usual.

You could hear his paws on the floor as he followed you down the hall and then down the stairs.

"You're home! I missed you today!" You said as you threw your arms around her, bringing her in for a hug.

She laughed and held you tightly, her hand softly brushing across your back as you held each other.

"I missed you too, my love."

"How was your day?" You asked as you pulled away from the hug.

But her arms stayed wrapped around you, her sweet brown eyes locked with yours.

"Good. It was busy but great. Thank you for asking." She smiled before leaning in to steal a kiss from your lips.

As your lips moved against hers, you moved your feet slightly and upon doing so, there was a little yelp from beside your legs.

Rosé quickly pulled away from your lips and looked down by your feet.

The yelp had come from Hank. As you moved, you accidentally stepped on his paw, and it made you feel terrible as soon as it sank in.

"Hank! Oh, my baby! Are you okay?" Rosie asked as she knelt on the floor in front of him. "Did she step on your paw? Are you alright? Does it hurt?"

"I'm sorry. It was an accident!" You guiltily spoke.

She stood up to face you, staring at you in shock.

"He followed you down the stairs, as he always does. You must've known he would've been right there! You could've seriously hurt him! What would we have done then?"

You lowered your head in shame as she bent down and picked him up in her arms.

"Are you okay, buddy?" She asked as she pet him, lifting the paw you stepped on to check if it was hurting.

She was relieved to find he wasn't acting off when she moved his paw. Instead, he just licked her face, making her giggle.

"I didn't mean to. Honestly." You said, staring up at her and Hank in sadness. "I would never. You should know that. I love him too much."

"I'm sorry for getting mad at you. I just got a little scared. I know you didn't do it on purpose. You probably weren't even thinking about it at the moment."

"I wasn't." You said before turning your attention to Hank. "I'm sorry, buddy."

You kissed his head and when you pulled away, he licked your face.

"He forgives you." Rosie grinned.

"And you do too?"

"Oh, baby. Of course. I'm sorry for saying the things I said. He's perfectly fine. Let's just forget about it and move on with our day."

You nodded and kissed her quickly before walking up the stairs as she and Hank followed, her bright eyes on you with every step that you took.

Rosé Imagines - Book Two (gxg)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя