S2C Chapter 62: Back Home

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Hello everybody, another chapter coming at you because I've been thinking about Splatoon recently and this idea is in my head right now while I can't sleep.

Oh yeah, and this chapter turned out surprisingly longer than I expected, so hopefully, you all enjoy it.

Took a couple more days to finish it since I wrote so much, but again, thank you all for reading!

Veronica POV

In the early morning, Veronica was sitting on the living room couch, polishing her E-Liter while sitting on the couch, watching cartoons.

(Y/N) was walking into the kitchen to grab some morning breakfast when he noticed her.

(Y/N): What're you up to? Don't you usually polish your weapons at night, not in the morning?

He said, while still preparing a bowl of cereal.

Veronica: Good morning!

(Y/N): Good morning, Veronica.

Veronica: The Square has been pretty empty lately, so Three called me this morning and asked if I wanted to do some turfing. She said it'd be easier to raise my rank because of the lack of people around.

(Y/N): Well that's a pretty good idea. Hopefully, that doesn't just mean that the only people left are the extremely dedicated ones.

Veronica: Yeah, I'm a higher rank than her, but I didn't want to make her feel bad, and it sounded like fun anyway. Would you like to come with us?

(Y/N): When are you two going?

He asks while munching his food before the phone starts ringing, and he goes over to answer it.

Veronica: She should be here in about ten minutes or so.

(Y/N) holds up his finger for Veronica to hang on a second while he listens to what's on the phone.

(Y/N): Mhm... Yeah, I think I can do that... Okay, nice talking to you. See ya.

He hangs up the phone, puts it back in his pocket, and turns back to Veronica.

(Y/N): Sorry, doesn't look like I'll be able to play with y'all. I'm going to be out for the weekend, I'll let Liz know to stay here with you or whatever when she gets here.

Veronica: Girls night!

(Y/N): Girls nights, two nights.

Veronica: Are you going to be okay? Safe?

He smiled at her concern for him.

(Y/N): I'll be fine, I'm not going anywhere TOO far or on any kind of mission.

Veronica gasped.

Veronica: That's exactly what secret agents say when they're going to go on a mission all sneaky beaky like!

(Y/N) chuckled.

(Y/N): You're just saying that because of the movie you watched last night, aren't you?

Veronica: Maybe. But it's still the truth either way!

(Y/N): Could be, but no, I'm not some secret undercover agent going to sneak into any place.

Veronica: Isn't that exactly what we are though?

He thought about it for a second.

(Y/N): Huh... oh yeah...

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