S3C Chapter 14: Restructuring

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So Side Order has now been released and passed, so time to return to this story once again. Lots of ideas circulating in my head now and I believe I see the path forward, so let's jump right into this one. It ended up way longer than I thought it would, but I'm always happy when that happens without me meaning for it too! I hope you like it too.

Shiver POV

Boss Marie's assistant was giving her, the Cap'n, and the old Squid a hug to celebrate Agent 3's success at stopping the big, dumb, bear up in space.

Even the Cap'n herself could be seen with a smirk to the whole situation. Or at least it could be seen if Shiver and Frye weren't currently rubbing her hands over the treasure that Boss Marie had given to them.

The group had broken up their hug and were now looking over to the group of bandits. Big Man wasn't indulging in the treasure with the other two, but was standing by them and had been watching the others before turning back to his friends.

Big Man: Ay... (I wouldn't mind if we celebrated with a group hug...)

Shiver: A hug to celebrate getting all this treasure, huh?

Big Man: AY! Ay! (NO! For saving the world!)

Frye: A world we can sell this treasure in?

Big Man just sighed realizing the other two only had a single-track mind when dealing with treasure.

Boss Marie: I take it you three are going to be getting out of here soon?

Shiver: Yep, treasure doesn't sell itself.

Frye: Could you imagine how helpful that would be if it did?

Boss Marie's assistant giggled at Frye's comment causing Frye to smile before turning back to Boss Marie.

Frye: By the way, let us catch those digits, Boss Marie! That way we can keep in touch!

Shiver: Good thinking, Frye.

Shiver said as the three flipped out their phones.

Boss Marie sighed and pulled out her smartphone as Callie just smiled at the three.

While Marie was giving the three her number, Frye received a call.

Frye: Oops, let me take this real quick.

Frye said as she answered the call and started walking away while Shiver rolled her eyes.

Frye: Ayo wassup?

The assistant lady was still watching from over Boss Marie's shoulder as Frye walked away.

Assistant: Ooh, someone getting an emergency call from the missus?

She said teasingly.

Shiver: Well it's her boyfriend, so you're not far off.

Shiver said in an uncaring tone while Boss Marie and her assistant lady were actually left a bit shocked at the matter.

Boss Marie: She's got a boyfriend?

Shiver: Sure does.

Assistant: So what you're saying is... there's a chance?

Shiver: Yeah, whatever. Can you just hand over your number, Boss Marie?

Marie: Oh right, yeah, here you go.

Marie said snapping out of it after hearing Shiver's annoyed tone over the questioning which she chose not to question.

Big Man: Ay! (Thank you, Boss Marie!)

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