S2C Chapter 43: Christmas Special

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Veronica POV

Veronica was at her house, sitting on the couch with Marie. They were the only two home at the moment. Veronica was a bit teary-eyed

Veronica: I don't know what to do. Every night, he's making me worried, then he wakes up as if nothing happened. It's just... a lot.

Marie placed her hand on her shoulder.

Marie: There, there, don't cry; I'm sure he'll tell us in his own time.

Veronica: I get that! But still, not knowing what's going on with him is... it's hard to watch.

The two of them looked up as they heard the front door unlocking. Then, it opened to reveal (Y/N) with bags of items.

(Y/N): Okay, Veronica, don't look, I'm finally done Christmas shopping.

He noticed Marie sitting next to Veronica on the couch.

(Y/N): Oh, hey Marie. You don't look either, please.

Marie: I won't.

(Y/N) noticed Veronica looked like she was ready to cry.

(Y/N): Veronica? What's wrong?

Veronica: Huh?

She wiped her eyes.

Veronica: Oh, nothing, there was just... a sad thing on TV.

(Y/N): But... the TV's turned off.

Veronica: Uh-

Marie: Exactly, because I saw it was upsetting her.

(Y/N): Oh. Okay, then I'm just going to put these all in my room if you don't mind, sure.

He leaves and goes to his room.

Marie: So, you sure you're going to be okay?

Veronica: Of course. I just wish I could help.

Marie: You're helping him by just being there.

Veronica smiled at this.

Veronica: Thanks, for helping me through this.

Marie: No problem.

Marie stretched.

Marie: I better get going, too.

(Y/N): What? You're leaving already? But I just got here.

He walked back out into the living room.

Marie: Don't worry, I'll see you at the party, tonight.

(Y/N): Come on, stay a little longer. I was just about to make something to eat.

Marie put her hand up.

Marie: No, I don't want to intrude-

(Y/N): You're not intruding. Come on, I haven't seen you much lately.

He said as he put his arm around her, making her blush.

Marie: W-Well, I guess I can stay a liiittle longer.

(Y/N): That's the spirit!

He went to the kitchen to start making the food.


Marie: Well, thank you for the meal.

Marie started standing up, getting her coat and hat.

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