S2C Chapter 34: I've Been Thinking Too Much

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First, thank you all for the many views, votes, and followers I'm receiving, especially followers, they just all started flooding in. Which brings me to my next topic.

This story has a little over 80K reads, and with how much reads I get per day, it won't be long before I reach 100K on this story, so I was wondering if there was anything special you'd all want me to do for when this book reaches that goal of 100K.

Second, I released another book.

Reader: Oh God, not another one.

Hey! Shut up. Besides the other Splatoon book I've released a week ago, I have now released a Halo book (which is my favorite game of all time), so if you like the sound of that, feel free to go check it out, please.

Marie POV

(Y/N) woke up in the morning to the sun on his eyes.

(Y/N): Ack! What the heck? I have curtains now! How is the sun still in my eyes?

He said covering his eyes.

Marie: That would be me.

He stopped covering his eyes with his hand and looked up to see Marie standing next to the window, holding the curtain open.

(Y/N): Why do you hate me so?

He said dramatically as he covered his face with his hand again.

Marie just gave him her classic smirk.

Marie: Oh come on, (Y/N). Don't be like that. Most of us are up already.

(Y/N): So? Good for you girls. Unlike you girls, my beauty doesn't happen naturally. THIS.

He said using his other hand to gesture at his face.

(Y/N): Doesn't happen naturally.

Marie blushed a bit at what he said as she walked over to his bed, where she kneeled on the floor and rested her head on her arms that were laid on the bed.

Marie: Come on... Don't you wanna hang out with Lil old me anymore?

(Y/N) uncovered his eyes a bit, looking over at her before recovering them again.

(Y/N): You're right.

Marie: Hmph.

She said smiling.

Marie: Of course I am.

(Y/N): That gray hair does make you look old.

Marie: HEY!

She raised her fist, to where (Y/N) quickly sat up throwing his arms up to defend himself.

(Y/N): I was kidding! I was kidding.

Marie lowered her fist.

Marie: Well, at least you're up now.

(Y/N): Yeah. I'll be out there in a bit, just let me take a shower and get changed first.

Marie: (I can help you with that.) Okay!

She said, leaving the room to return to the living room.



(Y/N) stepped out of the bathroom, now cleaned, dried off, and fully clothed, and made his way to the living room.

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