Chapter 21: I Ship It

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Jeez, every time I see the reads or votes go up is the most UPLIFTING feeling in the world. I still can't thank you all enough for everything you do for this story. Currently at 19.4K+ reads and 558 votes.

Welp, here we go.


(Y/N) was shifting around in his sleeping bag, barely able to move due to the surrounding walls: Wall Marie, Wall Callie, Wall Marina, and Wall Pearl.

He sat up, feeling his stomach growl a bit. He stood up, and carefully avoided the others as he entered the kitchen. He was searching through the cabinets.

(Y/N) was talking to himself, quietly.

(Y/N): Come on. Where are the snacks? CALLIE lives here. They've gotta be aro- Wait! Here they are.

He started chowing down on the snacks.

Suddenly, he heard someone... sniffing?

In through the doorway came Callie.

(Y/N): Callie? What're you doing up?

Callie: I felt a disturbance in the force.

She then looked over and started trying to get her snacks.

(Y/N): Ah! Callie, stop!

Callie: No! Give me my snacks!

(Y/N): Okay, okay. Here.

He handed her the bag, and she started eating.

He just grabbed another bag out of the cabinet.

They decided since they were already up, they should just stay up, but they didn't want to wake the others.

However, since the rest were still asleep, they couldn't be loud, which was asking a lot from the two of them.

They were both bored so they decided just a TINY bit of mischief wouldn't hurt.

So, they placed Marie's hand in a bowl of warm water. They did the good ol' whip cream in the hand trick on Pearl. For Marina, they decided to use her as an alarm clock. They placed her headphones on her, set an alarm, and set the volume at maximum.

They were both barely holding in their laughter.

Callie: This is going to be great.

(Y/N): Yep, now we just have to wait.


Narrator POV

Callie and (Y/N) were both asleep on the couch, their heads fighting for the middle of the couch, while each of their bodies was going off a different end of the couch.


Marina: AAAAH!

Marina quickly jumped up and threw off her headphones.

Marie and Pearl were slowly getting up, after being woken up by Marina's loud scream. Callie and (Y/N) however, were still fast asleep.

Marie was confused over why her hand was wet until she looked over at her side, and saw a bowl of water. She then started blushing as she tried to hide the lower half of her sleeping bag, realizing what she had done.

Marie held onto the sleeping bag and ran into another room.

Pearl: Jeez, what's up with her?

Pearl said, pointing towards the direction Marie just left.

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