S2C Chapter 27: Just Movin' Along

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YAY! This finally reached 918+ votes! This is also currently just under 35K reads. Thank you all for the support. And to follow up, I'm almost at 100 followers on Wattpad.

Also, I got the idea for this chapter by remembering a piece of lore I forgot. It's here, but don't look at it until you finish this chapter, as to avoid spoilers for this. Luckily, I was able to think of two ways to inkorporate it, but the thing was WHICH ONE?


BTW, I thought of the title for this chapter when I suddenly thought of lyrics for this one song. Can you name it?

Three POV

Three woke up in the morning. She was hungry but she wanted to make sure of something first.

She threw on a fresh pair of clothes then walked down the hall to make sure Eight was in her own room. Three let a sigh of relief seeing Eight was asleep in there.

Three decided to let Eight sleep a little longer as she went downstairs. When she got there, Marina was sitting on the couch looking quite tired.

Three: Are you okay, Marina?

Marina looked over.

Marina: No...

Three: Oh! Well...

Three was scratching the back of her head.

Three: What happened?

Marina: Pearl woke me up early this morning to play that game of hers. She's still in there now.

Three: Geez. Sucks to be you.

Three looked over to see Marina barely had her eyes open and was staring forward blindly.

Three started waving her hand in front of Marina's face.

Three: Marina?... MaRINA?

Marina snapped to.

Marina: Yep! I'm awake!

She rubbed her face.

Marina: Ugh... So, got any plans today, or are you just going to wing it?

Three: Actu-

Three was cut off by (Y/N) walking down the stairs, yawning.

(Y/N): Hey, Marina. Hey, Three.

Marina: Hi, (Y/N)!

Marina said cheerfully.

Three: (Ugh, are all of them gaga over him?)

Three thought, annoyed.

Three: Perfect timing, actually.

Three turned back towards Marina.

Three: As I was saying, I was going to check to see if my old house is still open.

Marina: What? You're moving out?

(Y/N): Why did she say "perfect timing?"

Three: Yeah, I mean I can't stay here FOREVER, CAN I?

Three said making it obvious to hear, for (Y/N).

Marina hugs Three.

Marina: Aww, I'm gonna miss you, Three.

Three: Yeah, yeah. Quit it with the waterworks, Marina.

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