S2C Chapter 35.5: It Was Only Just A Dream

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So, here is the special chapter as a thank you for over 100K reads, and for getting me over 600 followers!

I made this in a way to where it's canon but non-canon at the same time. You'll see what I mean if you haven't already guessed it.

Narrator POV

The seven main characters of our story were sleeping. They needed to be ready for their trip to the spectacular Wahoo World tomorrow. And how better to do that than to sleep.

While they might be asleep, their minds were not. So, let's see what kind of dreams their brains are thinking of.

Marie POV

Marie was sitting on her couch. She was thinking about things.

Marie decided she'd play some of her and Callie's old songs.

Marie: This brings me back old memories.

She looked around at all the walls in her house. She looked at the photos on the walls.

The first one she saw was the photo of Callie and Marie winning the singing contest back when they were kids.

Marie: This one might be my favorite photo here.

There was the photo from when Marie first met (Y/N), which she had taken with his phone, unbeknownst to him.

Marie chuckled.

Marie: I was surprised at how he hadn't deleted the photo.

She looked at the four photos of (Y/N) and her from the photo booth from when she first invited him to hang out.

She took one of the photos off of the wall and held it in her hands.

Marie: He might say otherwise, but I see this as being our first date.

She hung the photo back up on the wall.

She walked down the hall looking at some more photos. She stopped at the last one.

Marie: Scratch what I said earlier. This photo of the three of us is my favorite.

Suddenly, Callie burst through the front door.

Callie: Marie! I'm here!

Marie: Callie? How did you get here so fast?

Callie: You said you were making dinner.

Marie: Of course.

Marie said giving her classic smirk.

Callie: And besides, I'd never miss out on a chance to see (Y/N).

Marie just looked over at Callie and gave her a serious and annoyed look.

Callie: Geez, calm down; I'm just kidding... But if you don't keep your eyes on him, I can't promise I won't swoop in and take him.

Callie said smiling.

Marie raised her fist as if she was going to hit Callie, but Callie quickly ran away.

Marie sighed.

Marie: Just watch TV or something Callie, I'm going to be starting dinner soon.

Callie: What?! You haven't even started it yet?! Then, why did I run over here so fast?

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