Chapter 4: What Have I Done?

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First, OVER 1 THOUSAND READERS! Thank you all so much for liking my story (I hope).

Don't worry, I'm not going to ramble on about this, but still, super happy.


Pearl: WHAT?!

Marina: Come on Pearlie, it's not that bad.

Pearl: You said we'd keep him here to make sure he's okay. HE'S OKAY! So that means we kick him onto the shuttle bus, and ♪he's out of our haaaair♪! Not, "Let's invite him to stay here again!"

(Y/N): I'm still here.

Marina: Pearlie, it's too late for us to just send him into the wild to survive now.

Pearl: He'll be fine!

Marina: It doesn't matter. I've already invited him to stay, and it's rude to retract an invite.


Marina: We'll talk about this in the morning.

Marina brings (Y/N) out of the room, heading towards the guest room.

Pearl, on the other hand, is just raving in the room.

(Y/N): Umm, maybe I SHOULD leave.

Marina: Don't be silly. I insist you stay. Besides, the sun's already gone down.

(Y/N): Thanks... is Pearl going to be okay?

Marina: Yeah, she's actually a big softie.

(Y/N) gives Marina a questionable look.

Marina just giggles.

Marina: Don't look so surprised... save it for when she surprises you.

(Y/N): *Gives a slight chuckle* Sure.

After a little more walking, Marina and (Y/N) arrive back at the guest room (Y/N) woke up in.

Marina: Welp, here we are.

(Y/N): Yeah, I'll try not to sneak off in the morning.

Marina giggles a bit.

Marina and (Y/N) sit in awkward silence for a bit, in the doorway.

Marina: *A little flustered* Well, uh, goodnight... I guess.

Marina then walks a way.

(Y/N) sits in the doorway for a little longer, then closes the door.

(Y/N) looks around the room.

(Y/N): For a guest room, it's REALLY nice when you're not hiding under a bed.

(Y/N) plops down on the bed.

(Y/N) looks at the nightstand next to the be, and decides to check what's inside it.

(Y/N): What the-?

(Y/N) pulls out a book that reads "Why You Should Worship Off the Hook" by Pearl Pygmy.

(Y/N): *Uncontrollably laughing* (HAHAHA It hurts! I've got to get a picture of this.)

(Y/N) starts feeling around for his phone, but can't find it.

(Y/N): Where's my phone? Did I drop it somewhere? Is it still at the Square?!

He starts frantically looking around the room for his phone. Under the bed, on the nightstand, in the bathroom, etc.

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