S3C Chapter 9: Secrets Revealed

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I guess Nintendo is just going to drop the release date for Side Order out of nowhere in the early morning. I will be there on February 22nd, 2024 day one. I'm super excited about it, especially with the now basic confirmation that Agent 4 will finally return. It's going to be a long month.


(Y/N) was struggling a bit while carrying a hefty amount of metal which almost made it hard to see where he was going.

Shiver: Be careful not to drop any of that. Any you lose means we get less money from it.

(Y/N): There'd be less of a chance of any getting dropped if you helped carry any.

Shiver: Aw, but you three seem to have it under control so well.

She said giving a fake pout with her hand on her cheek.

Big Man: Ay... (Shiver...)

Shiver sighed, knowing Big Man would try and guilt her into it if she said no.

Shiver: Hand some over so this lady can show you how it's done.

Frye: I'm pretty sure I've already got that covered.

Frye spoke with her own pile of metal she was carrying, giving a jokey flex while doing so.

Shiver just smiled and rolled her eyes as she took one or two off, but one of the pieces of metal was heavier than she expected.

Shiver: Puh, why is this one so heavy despite how small it is?

(Y/N) who was now having an easier time with his share of the metal that the three had asked his help with carrying, answered her question.

(Y/N): It's because it's a weaker alloy, so it's heavy.

Frye: Weaker what now?

(Y/N) just shook his head.

(Y/N): It's a more basic kind of metal, so it's heavier and worth less.

Shiver: Huuuh? It's heavier yet we're getting less for it? That's dumb.

Frye: I thought they were just ripping us off before with how it felt random how much they'd pay us.

Big Man: Ayy. (I'm pretty sure it's because the lighter ones take more effort to make.)

(Y/N): A+ to Big Man.

Big Man: Ayyy! (Ayyy! :D )

Frye: Ugh, you're roasting my brain with your nerd talk... or maybe that's just the heat.

(Y/N): You mean I'm frying your brain?

Frye: NO! I've heard that joke enough!

(Y/N) just gave a cheeky smile and snicker while Shiver tried to hold in her laughter and smile behind the metal she was carrying.

(Y/N) accidentally bumped into someone while he wasn't paying attention.

He turned to the yellow-ink Inkling woman to apologize.

(Y/N): My bad, I can't see where I'm going too much with this.

Inkling Woman: No biggie.

She said as she turned to keep walking back out the way the four of them just came from. Then (Y/N) felt something scurry between his legs which nearly caused his metal hoard to nearly topple over him.

He quickly looked to find whatever it was to notice a Smallfry by the ground that had run between his legs and was running after the woman to catch up with her. When it did, it did a lap or two around her before walking with her.

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