S3C Chapter 11: Match Mishap

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(Y/N) entered the living room to see Frye and Shiver on the couch. Shiver was sitting on her knees relatively still, while Frye was moving all around, twisting and contorting her body.

When he got closer, he could tell they were both playing video games based on the controllers in their hands.

Frye heard him walking up and looked over briefly before turning back to the game that Shiver hadn't even turned away from.

Frye: Wassup? You just get here?

(Y/N): Sure did, but I see you're really into that game. Who's winning?

He asked walking up beside the couch on its side.

Frye squinted her eyes frustratingly at the question while still throwing her body and controller around.

Frye: Me in about just... one moment-! OH COME ON!

Shiver still didn't say anything or move much but (Y/N) did notice a smile form on her face at the sound of Frye's outburst.

Not long later, the game ended with Shiver's victory, which she bowed at before now finally turning to face Frye.

Frye had the controller raised up for a moment in anger before breathing out and letting her frustration go.

Frye: This game's rigged...

Shiver: No need to be a sour sport, Frye.

She said with a giggle in her voice.

Shiver: So, do ya care to go again?

Frye: NO!

Frye wasted no time cutting off Shiver's request, but Shiver just kept smiling and shrugged her shoulders.

Shiver: What about you? Care to get schooled in the nature of defeat?

She asked shifting towards (Y/N).

(Y/N): Maybe some other time. I was about to go out and do some Turf Wars.

Frye: Count me in!

Frye said while jumping up off the couch and immediately running to grab something from her room.

Shiver: Well, I guess if you're all too afraid of me, you can count me in for a match.

She said while carefully getting off the couch and standing up to go off and get something from her room.

On her way out of the room though, she did call out loudly.

Shiver: Big Man! Get down here! We're gonna go do some Turf Wars!

Big Man called out from his room.

Big Man: Ay! Ay... Ayy? (Okay! Give me a minute... Actually, have you seen my shoes?)

Shiver: Big Man, you don't wear shoes!

Big Man: Ay... Ay! (Oh... I knew that!)

(Y/N) laughed at the exchange as Frye came rushing into the room with a menacing figure now to her silhouette.

(Y/N): What is that monster?

Frye: This... is my boomstick.

(Y/N): Okay, but what is it?

Frye: It's my Splatana Stamper!

She said with a big grin on her face.

Frye: It's like the Splatana Wiper you've seen me use before, but this one packs a major punch.

She said as she swung it close to his face, causing him to back up a little bit.

Frye: Don't get too jumpy already. I won't be using it on you... this time.

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