S2C Chapter 60: Atonement

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(Y/N): Hey Veronica.

He turned to leave back out the door he entered from, but Marie grabbed him before he could leave.

Marie: What did you do this time?

(Y/N): I don't know!

Pearl: Then why are you trying to escape?

(Y/N): Because I've gotten good enough at recognized when you're mad at me.

Marina: We're upset because you gave us no warning before you up and were gone who knows where.

He held up his arm looking for an answer.

(Y/N): Am I not allowed to just go off and do my own things sometimes?

Marina: Yes, but last time you did, you came back all bruised and completely exhausted, so of course I- we're gonna worry.

(Y/N): I left a note for you girls.

Marina: AND ALL IT SAID WAS "I left".

(Y/N): I left a heart at the end too.

Marie just stood their rubbing the bridge of her nose as Marina and Pearl looked unamused.

(Y/N): Look, I'm sorry then.

He said expecting that to be the end of it until Pearl interrupted.

Pearl: Nuh uh, you're gonna have to make it up to us.

(Y/N): What?

He looked to Marina for some support.

Marina: Don't look at me, I think I agree with Pearl.

(Y/N): Huh?!

Marie: It sounds fair to me.

(Y/N) was more or less just speaking jibberish at this point.

Callie: And he can help us too.

He sighed to himself realizing there was no getting out of it.

(Y/N): Anyone else want personal help?

He said not realizing at first he was jinxing himself.

Liz: Not really.

Veronica: I finished my drawing!

(Y/N): Oh... okay.

He said, not expecting that to be the response. Then he realized a question he didn't have until now.

(Y/N): Wait, how did you all even get in here?

Christian: I did!

(Y/N) screamed loudly as Christian popped up behind him.


Elizabeth POV

The group were all walking down the road in beach attire. Veronica was riding on Liz's back with Liz not even struggling, Pearl was fanning herself off due to the heat.

Marina: I told you you should've brought a sun hat like me.

Pearl I don't want it if it's not my crown.

Pearl saw Callie skipping ahead of them.

Pearl: Callie, how aren't you sweating in this heat?

Callie: Hm?

Callie turned around to reveal an ice cream popsicle she was eating.


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