S2C Chapter 52: Back To It

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First, let me just say how TRULY sad and sorry about the long wait for this chapter; I'm pretty sure this is the second longest it's ever taken for a chapter to come out, right behind the time between the first and second chapter, meanwhile now I need less than 2K more reads until this reaches 400K reads.

I've been meaning to make this for a while now but have been busy and after I was done being busy, I was having trouble getting into the groove of writing again, but luckily... in my constant "being too lazy to read notifications on Wattpad" time, I just saw a comment telling me to write this, and that motivated me to write this chapter, so y'all can thank him.

I hope the wait was worth it! Also, this pic up top was done by me; I've been trying to learn to do Marie based off of memory alone, and this was my first time doing her body AT ALL. So, feel free to criticize, it helps me out.

Marina POV

Marina and (Y/N) were trying to eat lunch at the table, but having a slightly difficult time with Pearl doing her victory dance on top of the table in front of them.

Marina: Pearl, can you at least do your victory dance on the ground and not where we eat?

Pearl kept dancing but looked right over at Marina.

Pearl: Nope! It's been WAY too long since I've won a Splatfest, so I'm here to CEL-E-BRATE!

Pearl went back to gloating over Team Hare's victory over Team Tortoise. Marina just sighed and looked across the table at (Y/N) who just gave a "let her be" smirk, which put a minuscule smile on her face.

Marina: (At least I didn't lose alone.)

(Y/N)'s phone vibrated, so he looked down at it for a second and put it back in his pocket.

(Y/N): Well, Marie's here, I'll see y'all later.

He said while standing up to walk his plate to the sink and clean it off.

Pearl stopped dancing and looked over with her fist on her waist.

Pearl: Again? You two go out like every other day; are you two dating or something?

Hearing those words shot a shiver down Marina's spine, with (Y/N) apparently also being a bit surprised at those words.

(Y/N): O-Of course not! We're just... going to go hang out.

Pearl: Whatever you say, (Y/N).

Pearl went back to doing her victory dance.

(Y/N) was walking towards the living room to say goodbye to Veronica and to tell her to behave and Marina couldn't help but see him out. He was sitting down putting on his shoes as she reached him.

Marina: So...where are you going?

(Y/N): With Marie.

Marina: Pff, yeah, I know that.

He chuckled.

Marina: I meant where are you two planning on going?

(Y/N): Just normal things; the park, maybe the zoo, but we're gonna see Avengers: Endgame tonight.

Marina: Oh! That's cool, especially when-


Marina: I'm kidding, I'm kidding.

She giggled.

(Y/N): I've just been waiting to see it for so long, and there's probably going to be tears shed, so I'm glad Marie is going to be there for support.

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