Chapter 3: What's a Pygmy?

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Told you it wouldn't be as long. I just had to translate something from Japanese to English to implement into this chapter. I hope you like it.

??? POV

???1: Hey! Are you okay?

???1 runs to the Inkling whom she just saw collapse, when she gets no response back.

???1: *Gets close to the Inkling's face* Oh good. He's breathing.

???2: Hey yo. What's goin' on?

???1: *Sounding worried/distraught* I-I don't know. He's just... collapsed.

???2: Is he alive?

???1: He's breathing.

???2: Oh good! Then we can go home now.

???1: We can't just leave him in the middle of the Square!

???2:... Why not?

???1: !!!!

???2: Ugh... Fine. Let's grab him and go.

???1: Huh?!

???2: You're going to give me your worried face. Then I'm going to fall for into the void of your sad face. Then you're going to ask to bring him back with us, and I'll have to say yes.

???1 gives a big smile to ???2.

???2: Yeah, yeah... Put him in the car.



(Y/N) slowly opens up his eyes.

(Y/N): What? Where am I? Why are there so many glass walls? They're letting in so much sun. It's too bright! Have I been captured by the Octarians already?! I am a terrible agent.

(Y/N) begins to hear footsteps getting closer to the room.

Quickly, without hesitation, (Y/N) hides under the bed.

A couple of seconds later, the door opens and (Y/N) can see someone's legs.

(Y/N) hears a gasp. The feet get closer to the bed and the person shuffles up the sheets. The figure then walked across the room, knocked on the door, then opened it up to reveal a bathroom.

(Y/N) took this opportunity to see who this person was. He went out a bit and saw something that scared him.


(Y/N): (There's no mistaking it! It's an Octoling! I can tell by the hair! What do I do? What do I do?! WHAT DO I DO?!)

The Octoling walked out of the room a little frantically.

(Y/N) crawled out from under the bed. He sees that she left a bowl of cereal on the nightstand.

(Y/N):... I KNOW I shouldn't... but I didn't eat ANYTHING yesterday.

(Y/N) proceeded to eat the cereal quickly.

(Y/N): *Wipes his mouth* Okay. Now time for my GREAT escape!

(Y/N) then exited the room quietly, making sure to open and close the door quietly and carefully.

He realized that he was actually in a very nice and classy house. No scratch that, MANSION!

He began to hear voices getting louder as he continued to sneak around.

(Y/N): Now the question is, am I getting closer to them, are they getting closer to me, or is that an echo from across the mansion?

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