Chapter 7: Phone Tapping

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What? A double-feature [knowing that's not the correct term]? What's this? And neither were in the AM? What happened? Nothing! I just REALLY love making this for you guys, and I enjoy writing it.

BTW, if any of you were wondering why Marie calls (Y/N), "Agent 4" and sometimes she doesn't, first, it's because it's probably from an in-game line of dialogue. Second, she calls him "Agent 4" during missions. A chapter or two ago was an exception, because she was worried.

Narrator POV

Both Pearl and Marina were going through (Y/N)'s phone until late last night. They even fell asleep on the couch last night. They tried so hard to find out about his friend. They checked through his text messages.

They figured the girl goes by "Two" and it wasn't her actual name.

They went through his photos, but the closest they got to a photo of another person was one taken recently. It was of (Y/N), but he was faced the other way, and someone else took the picture.

Now, (Y/N) was starting to wake up.


(Y/N) woke up to silence.

(Y/N): Hm, I must be the first one up again.

He brushed his teeth, got dressed, and headed downstairs.

He was clearly surprised that Pearl and Marina had fallen asleep on the couch.

(Y/N): *Quietly* They must've been really tired if they fell asleep on the couch AND aren't making me breakfast. I better let them sleep. I'll walk to Inkopolis Square and get something on the way.

He started feeling around, but couldn't find his phone. He checked up stairs and it wasn't there either. He decided he'd look for it later, as not to wake up the others.

So, he left and started his long walk to Inkopolis Square.

Marina POV

Marina's eyes started flickering open. She felt like she had fallen flat on her face, much like a certain someone had done once.

She saw the time, using (Y/N)'s phone, and she was shocked.

Marina: Pearlie! Pearlie, wake up! We've got work in a little while.

Pearl: *With her eyes still shut* It's fine. We're not leaving right now.

Marina: No, but there won't be time to eat breakfast if you don't wake up.

Pearl got up once she heard that.

Pearl: Fiiiine.

Marina: Okay, Pearlie, you start making the breakfast, I'll go wake up (Y/N).

Pearl: Got it.

Marina walked upstairs, but couldn't believe he was gone... again.

Marina: Where does he keep going?!

Marina checked the bathroom, knocking first, but he wasn't there. She checked around a bit more but still couldn't find him.

Her pocket started buzzing. It was (Y/N)'s phone. She checks what it is.

Marina: IT'S HER!


Two: Hey, yesterday was fun. 

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