Chapter 19: Alone Time

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Yo, so I kind of wrote half of a chapter back on Wednesday, but decided to scrap it. There were a couple things, like Pearl taking Marina's motorcycle out for a joyride, so you can guess how that went. And in the meantime, I've also set up therapy sessions for you people in the comments on the last chapter. You know who you all are. lol

Also, 14K+ READS & 420+ VOTES! Seriously, every time those numbers increase, even a single digit, fills me with joy.

Marina POV

Marina sat up on her bed, letting out a long yawn. After a couple seconds, she realized what day it was.

Marina: Huh? Eeeeeh! Yes! Today's the day! All the planning and it should go PERFECTLY!

She got up, went down to the kitchen, and started preparing some breakfast.

Pearl came downstairs rubbing her eyes.

Pearl: *Yawn* Hey Marina- Oh! You made breakfast. Cool.

Pearl sat down at the table. Marina then walked over with a smile on her face and set Pearl's breakfast down in front of her.

Marina: Of course I did! I wouldn't want you to waste your time. You've got to get going.

Pearl sat there, giving Marina a suspicious face.

Pearl: What are you up to?

Marina: Me? Nothing. Why would I be up to anything? I just want you to be ready for when you leave.

Pearl started eating the food, still a bit suspicious of Marina.

Pearl: Yeah, well I'll be back later, so you better not throw a party or anything like that.

Marina: No, I would NEVER do such a thing.

Pearl set down her fork.

Pearl: Listen, Marina.

Pearl pointed her finger at Marina.

Pearl: I know you're up to SOMETHING, and when I find out what it is-

Marina: Oh, would you look at the time! You better be on your way, or else you'll be late.

Marina was rushing Pearl out of the door.

Pearl: Hey! Marina! Okay, fine! I'll be back later.

Pearl started walking away.

Marina: Good luck!

Marina shut the door.

Marina: Ah... Here we go.


(Y/N) was now waking up, with everything slowly becoming clearer.

Marina: (Y/N)... (Y/N)... Wake up...

Marina was lightly nudging (Y/N) until he woke up.

(Y/N): No... I don't know the muffin man...

Marina: What are you dreaming about?

She started nudging him a little harder.

(Y/N): Huh?

He now sat up.

(Y/N): Oh, hey Marina.

Marina: Good morning!

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