Chapter 8: Just A Harmless Prank

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Welcome back! Like I've said before, I LOVE seeing the comments from people who love the story, along with the votes, and even just the people who read the story. I never would've expected so many people to like this. 2.5K views as of now; 22 votes; and the rankings just get better (even though they're already SO high). I can't thank you all enough.

BTW, sorry if you don't like the food place that's in this, but I used it because it's known by everyone and we do know it's in the Splatoon universe.

Also, also, if I ever stop updating this and I don't even respond to comments, I probably died.


(Y/N) woke up to a delicious smell. He instinctively sat up sniffing the air.

(Y/N): *sniff sniff sniiiiiiff* Ah. Is that pancakes?!

He opened his eyes to reveal Pearl setting up.

Pearl: How'd ya guess?

(Y/N): The smell gives it away. So does this mean I don't have to worry about you and Marina barging in on me in the shower anymore?

Pearl: *Blushing* I-I don't know. Marina hasn't woken up yet.

(Y/N): Really? Is she okay?

Pearl: Oh she's fine. Just... getting some extra beauty sleep. It's not easy looking like us.

Meanwhile, in Marina's room...

Marina is sprawled all over her bed, drooling on her pillow. While she's getting her "beauty sleep," her alarm clock is just flashing "12:00" over and over again.

Back to (Y/N)'s room...

(Y/N): Okay... So if I ignore that suspicious thing you just said, does that mean I can start eating this food.

Pearl: Yep! *You could basically see the sparkle in her smile*

(Y/N): Cool!

And so, he ate it, as Pearl went downstairs to eat her food.


(Y/N) and Pearl were sitting in Pearl's gaming room.

(Y/N): Woah! That was so cool! How'd you do that?

Pearl: Years of skill.

(Y/N): You just mashed the buttons, didn't you?

Pearl had a single sweat drop going down her face.

Pearl: No.

Just then, before (Y/N) could even start his next sentence, a scream could be heard across the mansion.


Pearl and (Y/N) jumped when they heard it.

It didn't take long for them to both hear running footsteps getting louder and louder, until Marina had basically kicked open the door.

Marina: PEARLIE!

Pearl: What?


Pearl: No I didn't.

Marina: Then would you like to explain why my alarm clock was left just flashing "12:00"?

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