S2C Chapter 25: A Happy Reunion

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Woah! Another chapter?! Is something special happening?! No. I just REALLY wanted to write this. Especially after the big reveal. This book is like an escape, especially since I can't play Splatoon anymore.

Also, leave some suggestions for Agent 8's name. I have an idea, but I'm not sure if there might be something better. I already have Agent 3's name chosen out though.


(Y/N) entered the living room, where Three, Eight, and Cuttlefish were sitting, with a couple of items in his hands.

(Y/N): Okay, I've got a couple of Pearl's coloring book that you can use, Eight.

He handed her the coloring books, which Eight took excitedly, and started coloring immediately.

(Y/N): I've got you a glass of orange juice, if you want it, Three.

He handed it to her, which she reluctantly accepted.

(Y/N): And I've got you two AA batteries, Cap'n since I see you've been trying to turn the TV on with a dead controller.

Cuttlefish just placed both of his hands on his knees.

Cuttlefish: I just don't understand some things, nowadays.

(Y/N) put the batteries in the controller, then turned on the TV for Cuttlefish. He handed the controller back to Cuttlefish and let him flip through the channels for something to watch.

So, now Three, (Y/N), and Cuttlefish were sitting on the couch watching the television, with Eight lying on her stomach on the floor, coloring in the coloring book.

Cuttlefish was still flipping through the channels, so (Y/N) thought he'd ask Cuttlefish a question.

(Y/N): Uh, Cap'n? Are you looking for anything in particular?

Cuttlefish: The news channel, thank you.

Cuttlefish handed (Y/N) the remote, to which he changed to the news channel.

Cuttlefish: Ah, I remember when my granddaughters did the news. I want to go see them, but from what I hear, Inkopolis Plaza is a ghost town, so I don't know where they'd be.

(Y/N): Is THAT what you want to know? That's easy. I can take you to them.

Cuttlefish and Three looked over at him while Eight kept coloring in her book.

Cuttlefish: Really? Can you, please?

(Y/N): Yeah, no problem. I can take you right now.

Cuttlefish: Great!

(Y/N) noticed the look on Eight's face when she heard that.

(Y/N): Here.

He handed her his phone and some earbuds.

(Y/N): You can play with my phone on the way there. Bring the coloring book too; you can use it when we get there.

Eight had a large smile on her face and gladly took the phone, to which she was already looking up videos.


The four of them were now walking through the city, making their way to Inkopolis Square. Three was in the front, making sure Eight didn't run into a wall or anything while she was playing with (Y/N)'s phone. (Y/N) was in the back with Cuttlefish.

(Y/N): So, Cap'n, where did Pearl and Marina find you three at?

Cap'n: Oh, Three and I were doing some business, but then I ran into Eight. Not too long later, we met Pearl and Marina over the walkie.

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