S3C Chapter 20: The Hunt Begins

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Marie POV

Callie and Marie had been hanging out at their old studio in Inkopolis Plaza when Callie received a call that she had to go in to work. So, when Marie was left alone, she resigned herself to do what she typically did nowadays.

She walked up to the front door of (Y/N)'s home, but she had noticed something different today.

The door was unlocked when she got there.

She without meaning to got a bit excited for a moment, but quickly tempered her expectations before walking into the place and immediately looking around.

She didn't see anyone when she walked in, but she did hear some noises coming from (Y/N)'s room.

Marie could feel her heart beating out of her chest now as she approached his room.

When she reached the cracked open door, she pushed it open wide to see inside of it.

What she saw at first surprised her. Strewn around the room, (Y/N)'s stuff had been taken out of their places. And the one behind such an act?

Liz: Oh, you're here. What's up?

Marie: What do you think you're doing?

Liz: What does it look like? I'm lookin' for any sign of where he could've gone.

Marie: I already told you I checked his house.

Liz: Yeah, but I couldn't find anything else, and I thought it was better to check for myself in case you missed something.

Marie: I didn't miss anything.

She said slightly annoyed.

Liz went from squatting down searching his room to standing up.

Liz: True, I can't find anything out of place or any hints at where he could've gone either.

Marie had her arms crossed.

Marie: I told you so.

Liz: Yeah, I just had to be sure. You know how it is.

Marie: Yeah, I get it...

Liz: Anyway, I gotta check out the rest of the house now.

Marie: I thought you were done.

Liz: I was. With his room. Of course that was the first place I'd check, but I'm running out of options here.

Marie: I think you've made enough of a mess of the place.

Liz: Well, I'm soooorry if it gets a bit messy, but I'm trying to find a missing agent here. I get you wouldn't understand something like that.

She said sarcastically while walking past Marie to check other parts of the house.

Marie: I did have to find a missing agent once before if you care to remember that. You think I don't want to find him?!

Liz: I don't know, you don't seem like it. You seem more like you just care about keeping this place clean than you do whether he's okay or not.

Marie: I'm worried too! I want him back all the same.

Liz: Then why are you acting like everything's okay? I tell you there's no sign of him at Octo Canyon and you act like everything is fine. Have you even told Callie yet? Why are you acting like this?

Liz remained calm with her tone while prodding Marie which just aggravated Marie more with her questioning.

Marie: What about you? Have you even tried contacting him?

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