S2C Chapter 55: Chaos Vs Order

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Hello everybody, it's (once again) been way too long since I've updated, but in my defense, I wanted this chapter to be about the Chaos Vs Order (but it will be a two-parter), and I wanted to know how it ended so I didn't do anything I would need to change after, but then I still ended up procrastinating a bit longer than I should have; sorry. 

Also, I will most likely be removing all art at the top of these chapters that I do not have the right to use so nothing happens to this story, seeing as how I don't have a copy of this story anywhere else and I don't want to lose it. So, besides the art that people made specifically for this story, they will all be removed. So, now it's time to find an alternate way to get art for this story. Well, now that that's cleared up, let's get right into it.

Veronica POV

Veronica had decided she'd let (Y/N) sleep in today and she'd make herself her own breakfast, although she did take a picture of the silly way he was sleeping.

She sat on the dingy couch they had on their dirty living room floor, she'd probably have to clean this place up later, but as of right now, she just sat there polishing her weapons, taking pride in how tidy she kept her things, despite what you might expect at first glance at her.

She was listening to the news on the TV while doing so, waiting for Pearl and Marina to do their segment, which was one of her favorite times of the day; she looked up to Marina and Marina looked up to Pearl, so it was always something she made sure to do when she could.

Before she knew it, their segment of the news came on, so she watched while multitasking her polishing. Veronica was surprised, as always, to see hear the news of the next Splatfest coming up; her mind was already racing thinking about what it could be. But she grew a little confused when it was revealed: Chaos vs Order. It wasn't so much the topics that were confusing her, but more of the way that the two idols were talking. Marina seemed worried and sentimental while Pearl seemed blunt and uncaring.

Veronica took the high road and assumed it was nothing and was just a one-off thing like they tend to do every once in a while.

So, the two idols went to back to announcing the stages as the little Octoling went back to cleaning her weapons.

Her head quickly turned towards the sound of the door creaking open from the back of the house and a few seconds later, out came (Y/N). Seeing this, she greeted him with a smile.

Veronica: Good morning, (Y/N)!

(Y/N) yawned while entering the kitchen.

(Y/N): Good morning, Veronica.

He opened the fridge to get himself a glass of milk.

She didn't want to disrupt him so early with more of her thoughts like the ones she had "let slip" to him last time.

(Y/N): So, did I miss anything exciting while I was asleep?

Veronica: Not really, except I got a new phone wallpaper.

(Y/N): Really? What is it?

She took a second to giggle while she was taking out her phone to show him that she had set her wallpaper to be the silly photo she had taken of him this morning.

(Y/N) just responded with a smile and a chuckle and jokingly responded.

(Y/N): Hey! Don't set it as that or else I'll lose all of my street credit.

Veronica: Nope! I like this and it makes me laugh.

(Y/N): Fine, but please don't send it to anyone.

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