S3C Chapter 18: What Are They Up To?

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It's been a while since I've written one of these pre-chapter messages. I haven't really had much interesting to say or not. I still don't. That said, I did want to put a message, and I want to thank all of you who read and enjoy this story. Every single comment, vote, or even read make me the happiest person alive. Seeing people enjoy this story in any way makes me happy to check Wattpad, and makes me happy and excited to write the next chapter, no matter how much I get stumped on what I should actually do for said chapter.


(Y/N) was sleeping in his room, happily willing to ignore whatever time it was as he felt the pain that was consciousness taking over him as his eyes fluttered open.

He was happy to feel the weight of his girlfriend lying beside him, face-down into the pillow, despite the fact that her pointy ears were poking his face.

He was less happy and more taken aback however at the realization that Shiver was standing over the two of them, sipping her drink.

(Y/N): Woah! What, uh... what're you up to?

Shiver: Waiting for one of you to wake up. You know ya really shouldn't let her sleep like that with the forehead she's got.

Frye shifted a bit lifting her head up while trying to get a look at the situation.

Frye: Who makin' fun a mah fo'head?

Frye then looked over and noticed Shiver.

Frye: What're you doing here?

She asked before proceeding to rub her forehead on the spot she had slept on.

Shiver: Was waiting to see if you'd sleep the whole day away despite what we've got to do today.

Frye: Got to do today?

She closed her eyes trying to think of what she was talking about before shooting her eyes open at the realization.

Frye: Oh that thing! That's today already?

Shiver: Sure is, so get up already. We can't all afford to sleep the day away and still look as good as you.

Shiver said mocking the bedhead and groggy look Frye had across her face.

Frye: Hey, I'll have you know this is how I wanted to look.

(Y/N): I'm confused, what's so special about today?

Shiver: Look at you, so nosey.

Frye: It's a surprise!

She said while covering his eyes for a moment before pulling them away.

(Y/N): Why do I never feel good when you two are keeping secrets?

Shiver: Because contrary to my best beliefs, you seem to have survival instincts.

She said with a snarky smirk while flipping her fan open.

Shiver: Now let's get going before we're too late.

Shiver commanded with a smile as she turned and started leaving the room.

Frye: Right behind you!

Frye said as she hopped up and ran after Shiver before tripping over herself trying to stop and go back over to (Y/N). She quickly planted a kiss on him before running back after Shiver.

(Y/N) was laughing at Frye's antics before he got up and walked out to see them off.

Big Man: Ay! (Don't forget what I told you guys!)

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