S2C Chapter 40: Deck The Halls

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So, everyone, give a thank you to @tyler (ocean man/cheese boi) [that's his Discord name] for giving me the idea for this chapter.

Also, I could NOT find a version of the original "Deck the Halls".

I'm going to say this chapter takes place a couple days after the previous chapter.


Veronica: Ooh! Look at that one! OOh! Look at THAT one! OOOH! Look at th-

(Y/N): Veronica.

Veronica: Oops. Sorry. It's just... I love all these decorations you have for the cold weather.

The two of them were shopping at the store for Christmas decorations, due to neither of them owning their own.

(Y/N): Veronica, we can't get EVERYTHING.

Veronica: I know, it's just... THEY'RE ALL SO GREAT!

(Y/N) chuckled.

(Y/N): Don't worry, we'll have the best-decorated house out there.

Veronica: YAY!

Veronica kept piling all of the decorations she liked, which was all of them, causing (Y/N) to start heading for the checkout line to go pay for the decorations before Veronica made them lose all their money.

Once they arrived at the checkout, they got in line.

They sat there for a minute.

(Y/N): Geez, are you going to be done anytime soon?

He said to the people in front of him.

One of them stopped and turned around while taking off their hood.

(Y/N): Huh? Marie?

Marie: (Y/N)? What're you doing here?

She spotted Veronica.

Marie: Hey, Eight.

Veronica: Hello!!!

She said with a big smile on her face, followed by a wave.

Marie: Callie! Keep piling up the decorations.

Callie: Okay! Hey, (Y/N)!

(Y/N): Hey. So, what are you doing here?

Marie: Same as you, buying decorations.

(Y/N): Yeah, but why? Shouldn't you two already have plenty of decorations saved up?

Marie: We DID, but...

She looked over at Callie, who was still putting the decorations on the check out line, but she looked nervous.

Marie: Callie broke everything-


She said as she turned away from the counter.

(Y/N): What happened?

Callie: Marie! You better no-

Marie: Callie got some lights strung around her feet-

Callie: MARIE!

Marie: And destroyed all of our decorations.

Callie was whining.

Marie: Calm down, Callie. It was pretty funny.

Callie: NO IT WASN'T!

Marie was laughing, and so was (Y/N), but they tried to do it.

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