Chapter 20: A Good Night's Slumber

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Thanks for all the support on the last part! I REALLY liked how I did Chapter 19, so I was glad to see the reoccurring support.

Random point: The only people I really ship in Splatoon is Marie and Agent 4. This has no impact on this story, I just wanted to say that.

Now, since my school has been called off tomorrow, and I am too poor to get this one game I want, I'll probabaly just end up streaming some RE7.

Marina POV

Marina was still asleep. She had her arms wrapped around (Y/N), just as she was in his clutches.

Pearl, was sitting on the chair just next to the couch, looking at the sight in front of her.

Pearl: Yo, good morning, Inkopolis. It's now five after the hour of six A.M. in the big cephalopod city. Temperature's a balmy sixty-five degrees, which is good news for you squids, and it looks like it's gonna be a perfect day to maybe, hey, just lie on the couch, sleep in, or simply CUDDLE WITH SOMEONE IN YOUR ARMS!

Marina was woken up by Pearl's sudden screaming, causing Marina to fall onto the floor.

Marina: Ow! Pearl! What's wrong?

Pearl: Well, I was gone all day yesterday, and come home to THIS.

Pearl was motioning towards Marina and (Y/N).

Marina: I-I don't know what you're talking about.

Pearl: Um, I don't know, maybe the fact that you two were sleeping in each other's arms?

Marina: Pearl, it's no big deal.

Pearl: No big deal? You were basically clinging to him with your life.

Marina: Pearl, can you keep it down? You're going to wake him up.

Pearl: No I'm not.

Pearl stood up, walked over to (Y/N), and knocked a bit on his head. This caused him to just lightly swat around his head.

Pearl: See? Now. Tell me what happened yesterday.



(Y/N) awoke to Marina being gone.

(Y/N): Guess I woke up a bit late.

He got up, went upstairs, took a shower, got changed, and went downstairs to get himself some food.

He brought his bowl of cereal over to the couch as he turned on the TV. He switched to the news channel and saw Pearl and Marina hosting the show.

(Y/N): Yep, they left a while ago.

He finished eating his food. He was kind of bored just sitting there all alone, so he decided to text Marie.


(Y/N): Hey, what're you doing?

Marie: Nothing much.

Marie: Callie and I are just sitting at home.

(Y/N): Oh.

Marie: Why?

(Y/N): Nothing.

(Y/N): I was just bored and looking for something to do.

Marie: Well you can come here.

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