S2C Chapter 31: Trick vs Treat!

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First, I was confused why the rankings weren't here. They were just gone. But they returned, and I was #1 in Marie again... BUT WILL YOU FECKING LOOK AT THEM ALL! JAYSUS, I JUMPED UP IN EVERYTHING (That wasn't already #1)!

Second, I had something planned for this chapter, but I mixed up the original plan, to where this one will be about one part of it, and it will be concluded around Halloween. This chapter will have more to do with the Splatfest itself.

Now a little question, should I not to a chapter next week, and hold off for the middle of the week after? I know this feels like a no-brainer what I expect you to say, but since it's more Halloween themed (and it would have to be the next chapter after this), should I wait for the Halloween mood to set in? I swear, if you choose to wait, that if I think of something to go in between the two chapters (I've got a faint idea of something I may do), that I WILL release it next week.

Also, Jaysus you all hate Three.

Also, also, how perfect is it that this happened to be the 31st chapter?


(Y/N) was suddenly woken up violently, by shakes and a loud voice.

Veronica: (Y/N)! (Y/N)! (Y/N)! Wake up! It's Splatoween!

(Y/N) was rubbing his eyes.

(Y/N): What? No, Veronica, we went over this, it's not Splatoween yet, it's just the Splatoween Splatfest.

Veronica stopped jumping on the bed.

Veronica: Oh. Right.

She gave a nervous chuckle.

(Y/N): Now, please get out before Three comes in here and beats the carp out of me.

Veronica: Okay!

So, she left the room so he could get ready.

After a couple of minutes, he exited his room, towel, and clothes in hand, ready to take a shower.

When he went to the bathroom door, it had opened up to reveal Veronica in just a towel.

Veronica: Oh, hi, (Y/N)! You're up. Are you about to take a shower as well?

(Y/N) was blushing and looking away.

(Y/N): Yeah, I am. Veronica? Why are you only in a towel?

Veronica looked down at herself.

Veronica: Well, duh! I just got out of the shower, now I'm going to my room to get dressed.

(Y/N): O-okay! Well, uh, you... You do that.

He spoke nervously.

Veronica: Okay!

She walked past him and went towards her room.

As he looked over, he saw Three standing there.

Before she could do anything, he went into the bathroom and closed the door.

Three: Let me in there!

(Y/N): No can do! I'm naked.

This got her to stop.

He then took his shower.

After a few minutes, he finished, dried off, and got dressed.

As he opened the door, he heard Three yell from the living room.

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