Chapter 17: Job Shadowing

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We've reached over 10K reads! And over 320 votes! Amazing! Even after not updating for a week, this story kept it's #1 spot for Pearl, Marina, Marie, and Callie. Unbelievable. Not going to lie though, I've had a couple ideas for this chapter, but I wasn't sure if you all would like it, or if I wanted something to happen before it. Either way, I felt I've left you all without an update for a while, so I wanted to get a chapter out today. Also, who noticed a small detail in the last chapter, that will hint at what's coming, plus will be moved along in this one?

Edit: I just thought of something I could do, before what I was ABOUT to start writing (It wasn't anything big).

Feel free to leave suggestions for something to happen, and I will see if I want to put it in a chapter. The only thing, is, like what I try to do with this story, it has to fit in with the story that is in the games. So, for example, no stuff like Agent 4/(Y/N) going down into the underground and finding Agent 8/3. If it happened in the games and such, it happened in this. This story just fills in the cracks.

My splatfest team lost... Boo. But loved Marina's reaction.

BTW, since I just got done with my first week of school, I'd like to say, I HATE English. Least favorite subject. Isn't that ironic (nod to Bo Burnham)?

Marina POV

Marina woke up on the couch. She was laying up against (Y/N). Her tentacles were wrapped around him.

She quickly yanked her tentacles back.

Marina: Geez. These things have like a mind of their own.

She looked over and saw Pearl was wrapped around his other side. She stood up, picked Pearl, and laid her on the ground in front of the couch.

Marina went to go make breakfast, but she turned around and saw Pearl was back on the couch, and next to (Y/N) again.

She walked back over, picked up Pearl, and started shaking her. [Shake the baby!]

Pearl: AH! GEEZ! Okay! I'm up! I'm up!

Marina set Pearl down, and then clasped her hands together.

Marina: Good!

She said with a smile.

Marina: Besides, we've got work to do.

Pearl was still rubbing her eyes.

Pearl: Huh? Oh, right! The Cap'n.

Pearl and Marina went over and got to their computers.

Pearl: Hey, Marina!

Marina: What?

Pearl: How come you never stay at your place, that much, anymore?

Marina: Because I don't want to see what you two would do, if I left you two alone in this big house.

Pearl: *Giggles* Sure.



(Y/N) slowly started opening his eyes. He stood up. He then cracked everything from his back, to his neck, to his fingers.

(Y/N): Oh, that feels REAL good.

(Y/N): Hm? Who knew. I'd wake up nicely, if the sun didn't flash in my eyes.

He looked around.

(Y/N): Where'd those two get off to?

He started searching the house for Pearl and Marina.

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