S3C Chapter 3: Important Work

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So I'm writing this story because I'm really feeling that Splatoon kick again. There's plenty of stuff I want to do, but I'm really struggling to figure out how to start these chapters, I'm trying to power through it. Here we go!


(Y/N) was tidying up his new room, attempting to make it a better living environment. While doing so, he was still thinking about his morning interaction with the new trio of bandits he had the "pleasure" of now being stuck with.

~Flashback to this morning~

(Y/N) walked into the main room of the building to find the three getting their stuff ready, seemingly to leave someplace. Big Man was the first to notice him approaching them.

Big Man: Ay! (You're awake!)

Shiver: Oh good, you didn't try to run.

(Y/N): I've learned to just accept these kinds of things in my life.

Big Man: Ay? (What kind of life do you live exactly?)

Frye: Listen, we're going out, so you stay here and we'll be back later!

(Y/N): Is there anything to do here exactly?

Shiver then mischievously flipped her fan up in front of her face.

Shiver: I'm glad you asked. This place has been needing a bit of cleaning, so you can help yourself to do that for us while we're gone.

Frye: Thank you for your services, Alfred.

(Y/N): So am I just the cleaning lady around here then? You can't clean up your own home?

Frye: This isn't our home. Never do your bandit-ing where you live! This is a hideout that's close to our job, not a home.

Shiver: Besides, I'll put this towards the debt you owe us, so you have no reason to refuse.

(Y/N): How gracious, Miss Loan Shark...

(Y/N) spoke with an eye roll at her once again constantly bringing up the "debt" she placed on him again for not letting him die, even though it was all Big Man who chose to do that, not her.

Shiver flicked her fan, causing Big Man to jump back a bit and Frye to smirk. (Y/N) was confused at the reaction. "How much could she do with a fan?" he thought to himself before a giant shark quickly appeared coming towards him.

He instinctively jumped back a bit as the shark turned at the last second, doing a lap around them before stopping, giving (Y/N) the opportunity to get back up and get a better look at the large beast that just scared the ink out of him.

The shark had a thruster on each side of it attached to a bunch of wrappings around the shark. Also, a pair of sunglasses that didn't fit over its eyes weirdly enough.

Shiver then walked over to the shark.

Shiver: A loan shark, you say?

She gave a snark laugh to herself at her own pun and how surprised (Y/N) was at the shark.

Shiver: Don't be so afraid, Master Mega here is well-trained. I did quite a good job taming him, I'd say.

(Y/N) still felt a bit nervous at the giant shark that just casually appeared in the middle of the place, but Frye and Big Man had no problem approaching Master Mega with Shiver.

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