S2C Chapter 53: Happy Birthday!

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Welcome back, this is the one year anniversary of this story. Yes, this is the day before it, but today's also my birthday so it works this way.


Marie: No.

The single word shot through him; he wasn't expecting it.

(Y/N): W-What?

Marie: No. We aren't together.

These few words dug into him more than the rock the two were sitting on; the words felt heartbreaking.

Marie: Don't be like that; I do like you.

(Y/N): But not like that...

He decided to finish her sentence for her.

Marie: No, it is like that.

He was now more confused than before.

(Y/N): Then...

Marie: Why won't I be with you?

She decided to finish her sentence this time, to which he nodded his head.

Marie: It wouldn't be fair...

The more words she spoke, the more he became confused at the words leaving her soft lips.

Marie: You've got a lot of people gunning for your heart, (Y/N), and even though I'm clearly the best, it wouldn't be fair of me to sneak in and steal you away. I'll give the others a chance.

(Y/N): ("...a lot of people..."? "...others..."? What is she talking about? Who are the others? Is what she saying true? How can I be sure?)

The words of Marie and the thoughts that were his own were making him more confused so for now, he decided to push them away and not let them ruin this moment; he scooted across the rock, closer to Marie, to where she rested her head on his shoulder as the two went back to enjoying the woodland scenery in the night sky that was currently transfixed in front of them.

~Back To Present Day~

Marie POV

Marie was smiling, remembering the scene the two had out in the woods; smiling as she remembered the kiss she had waited so long for... Then, Marie went back to reality as Callie was snapping her fingers in front of Marie's face to get her attention.

Callie: Marie? Hello? Are you there?

Marie grabbed Callie's arm in front of her to get her to stop snapping.

Marie: Yes, you can stop that now.

Callie: It looked like you were day-dreaming and we all need to focus right now.

Callie, Marie, Pearl, Marina, Liz, and Veronica had all gathered together at Pearl's mansion before (Y/N) woke up; they wanted to surprise him for his birthday.

Marie: I'm fine, I was just... thinking about something.

She said, giving her classic smirk.

Callie: If you say so. This needs to go off perfectly!

Marie: I know Callie. Don't worry, the cake will be fine.

Veronica: The cake is a lie!

Veronica screamed from the living room, where she was currently using a box of crayons to color.

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