S2C Chapter 38: Too Far

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Hey! Got another chapter pretty early. I'm mostly doing this for something to do. Near the entirety of Thanksgiving break, I've just been alone and bored with nothing to do... That depressing stuff. And after nearly accidentally killing myself at least twice, I guess I finally stopped being lazy and will start writing more of this.

Also, what's going on with the rankings? They're just all over the place. Each category has a ton more stories on them, then the rankings I have are different from what it tells me. Strange.

Finally, I'd like to thanks @JPRogue for inadvertently giving me the idea for this chapter. Feel free to take all complaints to him. (Just kidding, don't actually send him hate, I really liked the idea, that's why I used it; send the man some love). Like I said, I'll give credit to people who give me suggestions for the story that I end up using.


(Y/N): Uuuuuugh!

He whined into his bed, which he was currently face down in.

He flopped over.

(Y/N): There's nothing to do...

He chuckled a bit to himself.

(Y/N): I'm starting to sound like Callie.

He sat up and decided to go get himself something to eat. He wasn't hungry, exactly, he was more just eating out of boredom.

As he was walking out, he saw Veronica was on the couch. She had a blanket wrapped around her so much that all he could see was her face.

He laughed a bit at this.

(Y/N): What'cha watchin'?

Veronica: Movie.

She said without diverting her attention.

He snickered.

(Y/N): How descriptive.

She didn't seem to pay him much attention.

He got his bit of food, and while he started eating, he stood there and stared at Veronica a bit.

(Y/N): Hm. (She seems pretty distracted [focused?]) *munch* (That gives me an idea.) *munch* (After I'm done eating.)

Veronica POV

Veronica was still just sitting in front of the TV with her blanket wrapped around her, and the bowl of popcorn on her lap.

She snaked her hand through the face hole of the blanket, grabbed a few bites of popcorn, then slithered her hand back into her blanket.

She really liked the movie that was on, and it hooked her, until suddenly...



Then, Veronica quickly turned her head. It sounded as if he had hurt himself, or maybe even gotten splatted.

She quickly jumped up, throwing her popcorn everywhere as she quickly ran to (Y/N)'s aid.

She got to the bathroom door which was open and she looked down to see (Y/N) was lying there, in a puddle of ink, looking like he had taken a bit of a beating and appeared to be knocked out.

She quickly fell to her knees as she grabbed his head a lifted his head up.

She was shaking. She could hear the fear, fright, and worriedness in her voice.

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