Chapter 12: Playdate

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HOLY COW! Not only have we surpassed 100 votes, we made it to 125+! And it's all thanks to you, the readers. We're also so very close to 5,000 reads! I'm so happy. I know I say it at the beginning of basically every chapter, but thank you all! This couldn't be done without all you! X3 Also, I chose the song because it's the theme song for an older season of a series I watch on YouTube.

Hey, so I'm currently 1035 words into this chapter. It's only morning now. You know why this didn't come out last night? I was in the middle of writing this, and a certain friend decides to message me. So blame her.

Also, #1 in Callie, Marie, and Marina currently, and #4 in Pearl!

Marie POV


Marie: What, Callie?


Marie: What do you want me to do about it?!

Callie: I don't know? Anything?! There's nothing to do here, right now!

Marie: Well sorry, Callie. It's not like there's any Octarians to fight anymore. We don't have any gigs to go to. I don't know what you want me to do.

Callie: I don't either! That's WHY I'm bored.

Marie: Well, we could go to the park?

Callie: Nah, you'd just read your book, and I'd have nothing to do.

Marie: Ugh!

At this point, Marie was just tired of hearing Callie complain about being bored. So, she decided to make a phone call, and luckily, they answered.

(Y/N): Hey, what's up?

Marie: I need your help.

(Y/N): Huh? With what?

Marie: Nothing, Callie's just being SUPER needy right now, and if she says she's bored one more time, I think I'm going to lose it.

(Y/N): Oh. Okay. Well, I can be there in a little while, just give me a bit.

Callie: Marie!

Marie: Please hurry.

Marie hung up the phone.


Marie hung up the phone. Just as he was about to go back into the living room, his phone vibrated.


Marie: Right!

Marie: You haven't been to our place before.

Marie: Here's the address...


(Y/N): Oh, I guess I haven't been to their place. I just thought they lived there.

He started walking back towards the living room, where he had left Pearl and Marina, not wanting to blow Marie's cover, but on his way back, he heard a lot of moving around. He got to the living room, but they were both just sitting on the couch.

(Y/N): Hey, what was with all the noise?

Marina: Huh?

Pearl: What noise?

(Y/N): Okay, well listen, are you two heading to the Square.

Pearl: Well, yeah, we just had a day off yesterday.

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