Chapter 15: Hangin' Out With Callie

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Not much for me to say this time, but still, 8 more votes and we reach 200! Le's a go.


(Y/N)'s eyes began to flutter open. The sun was brightening up the day, through the transparent clouds in the sky.

His voice still groggy from waking up...

(Y/N): Ugh... Wha' happened? Where am I? Why do I feel heavy?

He looked around, remembering what had happened the night before. He saw all four of the girls laying around him. Their sleeping bodies keeping him trapped on the couch. He just looked at each of them, then suddenly looked up, and spoke with a monotone voice.

(Y/N): I forgot to turn my swag off before going to bed... And woke up COVERED in bitches... (I REALLY hope none of them heard that.)

He then chuckled to himself.

(Y/N): (Okay, now time to try to get out of this mess.)

He looked around, and the light-bulb turned on over his face.

He started trying to slither his way downward.

(Y/N): Dun. Dun. Dun! DUN. Dun. Dun. Du-du-dun...

He was doing the Mission Impossible music.

He didn't want to wake any of them up, he wanted to be able to have his food in a way that didn't require a straw. First, he tried to get Marie and Marina to rest their heads on each other, as he slithered down.

Next, he tried to hold Callie and Pearl's heads up lightly. Once he did that, he set them back down on the couch.

He was free...

He pumped his fist.

(Y/N): Mission complete!

Marie: Mmm...

He turned around, hoping he hadn't woken Marie up.

Marie was still asleep, and she was smiling.

Marie: (Y/N)... Quiet down... You're going to wake up Callie.

(Y/N) was now whispering.

(Y/N): How does she know what's happening, while she's in her sleep?!

He decided to just ignore it, and tip-toed his way to the kitchen.

(Y/N): You gotta beat the rush hour.

He then grabbed himself some food, but sadly... The smell of food woke someone up.

Callie raised her head up, sniffing the air.

Callie: Ooh, do I smell food?

(Y/N) just looked down in defeat.

(Y/N): Ugh! Food, you have betrayed me.

Callie: Me want. Me want. I'll also take the food.

Callie said as she started rushing to the kitchen.

(Y/N) quickly grabbed his plate of food, and held it above his head. Callie, meanwhile, was trying to jump up, and take it out of his hands.

(Y/N): Dang it, Callie! Get your own food!

Callie: No way! Then I have to wait for it to be done, while there's a nice and ready meal right in front of me!

(Y/N): Ugh! Fine. Take it. I'll make me some more.

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