Chapter 6: Rivalry

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First, thank you all SO much! A lot of the rankings for this story are SUPER high! I didn't expect this story to be doing so well, especially since this is only the sixth chapter, and with this being the first story I've written. It's so good seeing the comments from people saying they like the story. Now without further ado, let's begin.

Also, just remembered, these songs that I show along with the pictures at the top of the chapter, I do that because I was listening to the songs while writing the chapters, because I really like the songs and they either kind of fit with what's happening or set the tone.


(Y/N), surprisingly, was the first to wake up in the morning, it was still dark outside.

After a couple of minutes of him trying to go back to sleep, he got a text message. Realizing that sleep wasn't happening, he checked his phone to see a message from "Two." Him, knowing it was Marie responded.

The messages read:


Two: Hey, when you wake up text me.

(Y/N): I woke up early, today. What do you need?

Two: It's not that important.

Two: After your hard work yesterday, I thought we could deal with an easy day.

(Y/N): You mean I could deal with an easy day.

Two: My job's harder than it looks.

(Y/N): Yeah, trying to think of a pun to fit the current situation is hard.

Two: Exactly.

Two: Anyways, I thought we could just hang out today.

(Y/N): Sounds great!

Two: Cool, I'll pick you up in a little while. Where do you live?

(Y/N): Actually, I'm staying with friends. Here's the address...


(Y/N): Well, I better take a shower and get ready.

So he did.

Pearl POV

Pearl was up now, but she was surprised when she entered the kitchen.

Pearl: Marina? What are you doing up so early?

Marina: I got up early to make breakfast.

Pearl: Hold it!

Marina: What?

Pearl: I see two bowls.

Marina: Of course. One for me, and one for (Y/N).

Pearl: How do you know he wants cereal?

Marina: Why wouldn't he?

Pearl: Because I saw the way he liked the WARM breakfast I made yesterday!

Marina: Oh! Okay, then we'll bring him both, and see which he prefers. Although, it'll take you a minute to make yours, so he'll probably be full by the time you even get finished.

Marina then started walking away with the cereal, towards the guest room.

Pearl started rushing to make the food.

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