S3C Chapter 21: Chaotic Concert

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(Y/N) opened his eyes and slightly jumped at the surprise of seeing someone staring down at him before he returned to normal and shut his eyes again after seeing it was just Shiver.

(Y/N): Y'know you can just wake people up like a normal person.

Shiver: I could, but where's the fun in that?

(Y/N): What fun is there to have in this exactly?

Shiver: Trying to figure out how ya manage to sleep with her like that.

He opened his eyes once again and looked down to see how she was pointing at Frye who had her arms and legs completely wrapped around him locking him in place.

(Y/N): I can't exactly move when she does this so it's not like I have much of an option besides sleeping. Plus, it's comfy.

Shiver: Let me help you with that.

She bent over and leaned close to Frye's face before patting her on the face multiple times.

Shiver: Frye! Wake up ya silly squid. You remember what day it is, don't ya?

Frye groggily squinted her face up from Shiver's patting before groggily opening her eyes one at a time.

Frye: Huh...? My birthday...?

Shiver: Nooooo. I'll give ya a hint. What have we been looking forward to for a while now?

Frye: My... birthda-? Wait!

She shot her head upwards unlatching herself from (Y/N).

Frye: It's concert day, isn't it!?

Shiver: Ring-a-ding-ding.

Frye: YAYUH!

She exclaimed happily before putting her hand all across (Y/N)'s face, pushing herself up, hopping over him, and running out of the room.

Shiver was smiling at his disheveled and unenthused face.

Shiver: There ya go. Free of charge too.

(Y/N): My hero... whatever would I have done without you?

Shiver: I know, I am incredibly magnanimous.

She said before holding her hand out for him to grab ahold of and pull him up. While doing so, her phone rang causing her to let go of him and let him fall back down as she answered her phone. This earned her a glare from him.

Shiver: Speak quickly.

She waited a second to hear what the person on the phone said before responding.

Shiver: Love ta hear it. Keep it up. We'll be there in a while.

She said as she ended the phone call.

(Y/N) was now standing up on his own.

(Y/N): Who was that?

Shiver: Big Man. He's helping do some setting up at the place the concert's being held.

(Y/N): How "magnanimous" of you to allow him to do all the helping.

Shiver: Was that sass?

She asked while glaring at him and clapping her fan shut.

(Y/N): Noooo.

He said sarcastically.

Shiver: It isn't too late for you to have to pay for your own ticket, you know.

(Y/N): All hail Shiver, the most generous and kindest one around!

Shiver: That's more like it.

She said while opening her fan back up with a smile and now exiting his room with him behind her.

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