S2C Chapter 54: Empathetic Eight

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I'm so sorry this took so long. Check out my book about updates for the extended reason why I took so long to get this out. I've been lazy as heck and have also just gone through the entire Mass Effect trilogy for the first time and it was a heck of a ride. This was over a month for this to come out and I just see that as unacceptable. For it to take that long for a new chapter to come out is ridiculous and I'm excruciatingly sorry.

I hope the wait was worth it. I like how this one turns out.


Veronica: Pleeeease!

(Y/N): I already told you we can go after we're done here.

Veronica has been bothering (Y/N) all morning to go to Pearl's mansion so she can visit Marina and Pearl. She did this while he was getting out of bed, she did this while they were brushing their teeth, and now she was sitting on top of the table while he was eating breakfast, picking bites off of his plate, to which he didn't mind, while still asking him.

Veronica: Great!

Veronica quickly ate the rest of the food on his plate.

(Y/N): Hey!

Veronica: There! Are we ready to go now?

(Y/N) sighed and looked at how much she was anticipating it.

(Y/N): Fine, let's go. I can get something to eat there.

Veronica: Yay!

Veronica quickly tackled him from atop the table, hugging him.

Veronica: Thank you!

(Y/N): It's no problem, really. Why are you so eager to go see them today anyways?

Veronica: I just want to see Marina and Pearl!

He gave a slight smirk and snicker to her reply.

(Y/N): Is there ever a time when you don't want to see them?

She turned around as if she didn't understand what he had said.

Veronica: Of course not.

He giggled at her not understand the joke but continued to eat his meal until he was finished and ready to go.


Knock knock knock. Pearl opened the door and greeted (Y/N) and Veronica as they walked in.

Pearl: Hey, guys! What're you doing here?

(Y/N): We came because Veronica wanted to-

Veronica: MARINA!

Veronica said, barging past (Y/N), unable to contain her excitement.

Pearl: Marina? She's not here yet?

Veronica: Yet?

Pearl had one of her hands on her hips while the other was in the air in a matter-of-fact kind of way.

Pearl: Well, yeah, Eight. Marina doesn't live here with me.

Veronica was just looking so confused at Pearl, not understanding what she was saying.

Veronica: But she has a room here...? And she's always here?

Pearl reaches her hand up to Veronica's shoulder and tried to get her in close so she could explain it to her.

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