S2C Chapter 57: The Great Outdoors

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IT'S BEEN SO LONG! I'M SO SORRY!!!!! I'm just having some real-life problems. School is a lot to deal with right now and I can't seem to manage ways for my financial life right now.


Veronica: (Y/N)! (Y/N)! (Y/N)!-

Veronica was jumping on the bed to wake (Y/N) up, which did, eventually, work.

(Y/N): I'm up, I'm up... what is it?

Veronica laid flat on the bed right in front of his face, pouting a bit.

Veronica: ...

(Y/N): ...

She pouted a bit more.

Veronica: You forgot, didn't you...?

He smirked a bit nervously.

(Y/N): N-No, of course not.

He gave a nervous chuckle as Veronica just glared at him.

(Y/N): But, could you repeat what it was, just in case?

She sighed and flopped her face into the bed. She spoke into it, but he couldn't understand her mumbles.

(Y/N): I can't really understand you down there.

She lifted her head out of the bed and looked at him.

Veronica: You promised we could go out today.

(Y/N): Go out where?

Veronica: Out.

(Y/N): ...

Veronica: Like a picnic and fishing and stuff.

(Y/N): Oh, okay. We can grab some groceries on the way so we can make snacks and stuff.

Veronica gives a big smile and gets up and leaves the room. Afterward, (Y/N) gets up and goes to get ready. Once he's done, he gets dressed and goes out to the living room to see Veronica sitting in front of the door, scratching it like a dog. When she turns, she sees him and she stands up.

Veronica: Can we go now?

(Y/N): Yes, we can go now.

Veronica: Yay!

She turned to go for the door but was closer to it than she thought and instantly headbutted the door, falling to the ground.

(Y/N): Veronica!

He kneeled down in front of her as she was rubbing her forehead.

(Y/N): Are you okay?

Veronica: I'm fine. I just didn't see the door there.

(Y/N) lightly chuckled about it with her.

(Y/N): Luckily, there aren't any doors outdoor. Ready to go now?

Veronica nods as she stands back up.


The two are walking around the store, Veronica a little ahead of (Y/N) who has the cart. She kept on putting anything that caught her eyes in the cart, to which (Y/N) would put the stuff they didn't need back on the shelves after she looked away.

???: Hey!

(Y/N) looked over to see two familiar faces.

Anya: What's up?

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