Chapter 5: Repercussions

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I honestly don't have anything to say before starting this chapter, but it felt weird not to say anything... Hope you like it?

Pearl POV

The light was being born again as the day began and night waned. Pearl was now the first one to wake up in the morning. She went to the bathroom, and then headed straight for the kitchen, like normal.

Pearl grabbed pancake mix, syrup, bread, and butter. She popped the bread into the toaster and started making the pancakes.

While the pancakes were cooking and she was waiting for the toast to pop up, she got some cereal and milk out, and left them next to a bowl and spoon on the table. Pearl then continued making the pancakes and toast.

After a couple of minutes, they were done. She had a bite of one of the pancakes and a piece of toast.

Pearl: Mmm, warm breakfast for the win! *She said with a smile*

Pearl then grabbed the second serving of pancakes, toast, and glass of milk, and started heading for the guest room.


Pearl: *voice slowly becoming more clearer to (Y/N) as he opens his eyes* Hey... Hey... HEY! Wake up!

(Y/N) jumps up at the sudden voice. He looks around and sees Pearl setting an AMAZING looking breakfast next to him, on the nightstand.

Pearl: I made breakfast, eat up.

(Y/N): *Mouth watering* Wow! This... This looks DELICIOUS!

Pearl: It's just breakfast.

(Y/N): I think I'm going to cry *sniffle*.

(Y/N) starts gobbling down the breakfast, going between the pancakes, toast, and glass of milk.

Pearl starts to walk back downstairs giving a slight giggle before she leaves.

Pearl arrives back downstairs in the kitchen to see Marina sitting down eating a bowl of cereal. Pearl then sits down next to Marina and eats her breakfast she made earlier.

Marina: Breakfast. The most important meal of the day.

Pearl: The best meal of the day... if it's warm.

Marina chuckles.

Marina: So where did you go off to.

Pearl: I went to give our guest his food, and I don't mean to brag, but he looked REALLY happy to see the warm breakfast I made.

Marina: Aw, how sweet of you.

Pearl: *Blushing* Huh?

Marina: Making our friend a breakfast out of the kindness of your heart, when you were ready to throw him out yesterday.

Pearl: Shut up and eat your food. *She said jokingly/shyly*


(Y/N) finished eating the breakfast Pearl gave him.

(Y/N): Ah, that might of been the breakfast I've ever had.

Then, his face turned to grief.

He checked his phone.

He felt sad, awful, guilty, and many other things as he saw he had no response from Marie, when he stayed up late last night, trying to call her and text her back. Leaving her countless voicemails.

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