Chapter 16: Audio Only

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Well, I'm writing this now, because SCHOOL IS STARTING BACK UP, so once I upload this, I'll probably go to sleep so I can get ready. You all have provided me with SO much love so far, and I couldn't ask for anything more. I won't know how my upload schedule will be affected though.

So... I don't know where this sentence will go, SQUIDBEAK LET'S GO!


(Y/N) woke up from the sun shining on his face. He was so tired from having to run from those fans yesterday, that he didn't even take his clothes off. Well, not exactly his; he was still wearing Callie's jacket and beanie.

(Y/N): Oh my GOODNESS! I NEED to buy blinds for these windows!

He got up, went downstairs, and got himself some breakfast.

Pearl woke up a little bit later, while he was still eating breakfast.

Pearl: You're up early.

(Y/N): That, or you woke up late.

Pearl: I need OPTIMUM sleep time. You think beauty like this happens naturally?

(Y/N): Are you saying you need to work to look good?

Pearl: Yes. No! Wait- That's not what I meant.

Pearl looked a bit agitated now.

(Y/N): Relax, I was kidding. You look great.

Pearl smiled at this.

Pearl: At least you can recognize it.

Marina then entered the room.

Marina: *Yawn* Why didn't you two wake me up?

Pearl and (Y/N) looked at each other, confused.

Pearl & (Y/N): You didn't ask?

Marina: True, I guess.

Marina sat down, and started eating. (Y/N), now done with his food, started walking dishes. After a minute, Pearl added her dishes into the sink.

(Y/N): Really?

Pearl: What? Might as well give you some use, when you're crashing here for free.

(Y/N): Then what if I just paid to stay here.

Pearl: Aww. You couldn't afford it.

(Y/N): Probably.

(Y/N) looked over to his other side, to see Marina standing there with her dishes.

Marina: Sorry, but do you mind doing mine to?

(Y/N): Sure.

Pearl: So she gets a pass?

(Y/N): That's because she asked.

Pearl: You know, it's not wise to choose favorites.

(Y/N): I'm not choosing favorites. You're both my friends.

This made Marina smile, and Pearl blush.

After a couple minutes, (Y/N) got a text from Marie.


Marie: Hey! Are you free today?

(Y/N): Yeah. What do you need?

Marie: Nothing, just wanted to see if you wanted to hang out with me at work, today.

(Y/N): Sure, sounds fun.

Marie: Great, just meet me at Octo Canyon.

(Y/N): Gotcha!

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