S3C Chapter 19: Trouble is Afin

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Happy late Easter and Happy early April Fools Day!

Marie POV

Marie was patiently kneeling in front of the door, staring at the door as if to try and make what she wanted to see materialize. When that didn't work, she would start to look down sadly.

Just then, she jumped at the sudden noise of the doorknob being turned. She had to make sure she was really seeing it, and when she realized she was, she expectantly got up on her two feet and stood there holding a breath of air in without realizing it as the door opened.

Just then, the door opened up to reveal someone Marie was very familiar with standing there and smiling at Marie at the sight of her.

Callie: Aw man, I was hoping to surprise you two in the act.

Marie: Callie?! What are you doing here?

Callie happily walked past Marie and was looking around the house as she explained.

Callie: Well, I got home ready to happily hear the good news with you, but you weren't there. So, I'm just left wondering, "Where the hey is she?" And then I realized, "She's probably over at (Y/N)'s without me again." And since every time I say I'll come over, you always try and stop me saying, "He's not home right now," I figured you can't stop me if I don't tell you I'm coming over.

Callie was still peering into some rooms.

Callie: Speaking of which, where is (Y/N)?

Marie: He's not here right now...

Callie: Are you kidding me?!

She quickly checked his room to see he wasn't in there either which made her sigh. Callie turned around back to face Marie, but she also looked over into Veronica's room where she saw a letter resting on the bed that caught her eye before Marie shut the door in front of Callie.

Marie: So, what was that "good news" you were talking about?

Callie: What? Oh yeah! Don't tell me you seriously forgot, Marie.

Marie: It looks like you just forgot for a minute as well.

Callie: Shushy! Now, do I need to remind you of that thing we've been working on for a little while now? The thing that finally comes out today..?

Marie then looked like she realized what Callie was talking about and put her hand on her forehead as she looked down at how forgetful she had been.

Marie: "Liquid Sunshine". Right, I'm sorry, Callie.

Marie then smiled at Callie.

Marie: So, should we listen to it now?

Callie: Well, we cooouuuuld, but this wasn't just a Squid Sisters song, and "Ian BGM" will be heading by our studio to celebrate with us.

She clarified while putting up air quotes with her fingers when she mentioned "Ian BGM".

Marie: Then what are we waiting for? Let's go meet him there.

Marie said while heading toward the front door.

Callie: Well, we're already here, should we wait for (Y/N) to come back and bring him with us?

Marie: No... he won't be back for a while...

She said while looking a bit sullen before she snapped herself out of it and threw a smile back on her face.

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