S2C Chapter 36: Wahoo World

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Hey, I really quickly want to say, THANKYOUALLFOROVERONE-THOUSANDFOLLOWERS! This means so much to me. I never expected to get anywhere near this big, and I love all the love and support I'm given every time I write a chapter (or even when it's not a chapter X3).

Also, I hope you love the video up top as much as I do; I am absolutely in love with it. It's just so adorable. I LOVE IT! Something else I've been obsessed listening to is Trench by Twenty One Pilots (great album).


Elizabeth POV

It was early in the morning; Elizabeth was pacing around her bedroom. She was very nervous.

Elizabeth: I don't think I can do this. Geez, I'm a wreck right now.

She stopped and lightly slapped herself across her face.

Elizabeth: Come on. Pull yourself together, Liz. You've fought Octarians and saved all of Inkoplis; you can do this no problem.

Just then, her door opened to reveal Veronica, yawning.

Veronica: Three? Are you okay? I could hear you talking to yourself.

Elizabeth was shaking a bit.

Elizabeth: What? M-Me? Yeah, I'm fine.

Veronica walked over toward her.

Veronica: Three, it's okay to be nervous. You know that, right?

Elizabeth: Me?! I'm not nervous! I've dealt with worse in my sleep.

Veronica: I hope you're talking about when we were underground because I could've used some help while you were sleeping.

Elizabeth chuckled and lightly hit Veronica on her arm.

Veronica: See? There you go. Keep THAT attitude and you'll be fine.

Elizabeth breathed in to calm herself down one last time.

Elizabeth: Okay. Let's go.

She said with a smile.

Veronica: Lead the way.

And so they left Elizabeth's house.


Veronica was confused why they were out in front of her and (Y/N)'s home.

Veronica: Um... Three? I've got all I need; we don't need to pick up anything from here.

Elizabeth was blushing really red.

Elizabeth: Y-Yes we d-do.

Veronica looked even more confused as she started unlocking the door, letting the two of them in.

When the entered, they saw (Y/N) looking out one of the back rooms.

(Y/N): Oh! Hey, girls. Give me a minute. I'll be ready to go soon.

Elizabeth looked nervous as she looked over at Veronica, noticing the realization slapping her across the face.

Veronica: Okay! Take your time!

She said through her forced grin.

Veronica: Three. Can I speak to you in the kitchen for a moment?

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