S2C Chapter 32: Splatoween Results!

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So, I wasn't going to make this until tomorrow when the Splatfest results came in, but it happened during the middle of me playing ranked for the first time, so I can make it now.

The only that sucks now, is you guys have to wait until the 31st to get the next chapter unless I can't hold it in and want to make it before then.

Three POV

Elizabeth woke up in the morning.

She looked around.

Looks like she was the first one up.

She was smiling.

She decides to quickly go and take a shower before anyone got up, so she could get on her way.

She finished her shower, got dried off, then got dressed.

When she exited the bathroom, she saw (Y/N) going into the kitchen. This brought her mood down a bit, remembering he was here.

She internally sighed to herself.

She got to the kitchen and saw he was making the three of their's food.

Elizabeth: I'm fine with making my own.

(Y/N): Okay.

He continued to make himself and Eight some breakfast.

Three finished making her own first, so she popped over into the living room and ate while watching TV.

Once (Y/N) finished making the other breakfasts, he went and knocked on Eight's door. Elizabeth was watching him, making sure he didn't try anything.

After a minute, she woke up and the two of them went to the kitchen to where they ate their food.

Eight finished her food first, and then went to take a shower.

Once (Y/N) finished, he came over to the couch and sat down.

Three scooted a bit away.

(Y/N) looked at the table.

(Y/N): You just gonna leave your dishes there?

Elizabeth: You could always go wash them.

(Y/N) just sighed as he carried her dishes to the kitchen to go clean them.

While he was doing that, Eight was done with her shower, and came to the living room, now being dried off and dressed.

(Y/N) then went and started taking his shower.

Elizabeth: Okay, Eight. Now that we're clean and done eating, let's go do some more Splatfest.

Eight: More? But you played a lot yesterday.

Elizabeth: Yeah, and I want to play some more. Don't you?

Eight: Sure, I guess.

Elizabeth: Great!

Elizabeth started walking towards the door, but she noticed Eight was going the other way.

Eight knocked on the bathroom door.

Eight: (Y/N)? Three and I are going to do some more Splatfest. Do you wanna come?

(Y/N)'s voice could be heard from inside the bathroom.

(Y/N): I'm- Uh- Kind of in the middle of something right now. You two just go ahead without me. I'll catch up later.

Elizabeth smiled at this; she didn't want him to ruin anything for her.

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