Chapter 11: Basking in Relaxedness

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Okay, a couple important things I want to say to you, that won't be involved in the story for a while. If you answer this, please answer onto this paragraph.

First, whenever Agent 3 and Agent 8 enter the story, would you like for me to give them actual names (First names)? I have a name chosen for each of them. Obviously, they'll still be referred to as 3 and 8, but it's to give theme a more defined character.

Second, with how Inklings and Octolings react to water, I'm going to go with IT DOESN'T KILL THEM. One, because Nintendo keeps flopping their answer. Second, because Pearl has a pool, so I'm going to assume it's water (from what it looks like), and that it's safe. I'm saying this now, because of some comments on the previous chapter, and I've had an idea for a chapter, sometime in the future, it'll effect.

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(Y/N) woke up in the middle of the night. Because of this, he feels a bit groggy.

(Y/N): Wha? Huh? What time is it? The sun isn't even awake yet. Ugh! I'm not getting back to sleep soon. I already slept a bit earlier.

(Y/N) gets out of bed and goes downstairs... To get a snack. Of course.

(Y/N): One snack. ONE snack. Who can only get one snack?

He walks over to the couch, turns on the TV, and starts flipping through the channels.

(Y/N): Come on. There's almost never anything good on TV at this time.

He turned off the TV, knowing he wasn't going to find anything he liked.

He started walking through the house, searching for something to keep his boredom at bay.

He looked into the gaming room, but thought it best not to. One, since he doesn't have Pearl's permission. Two, he didn't want to risk them waking up.

He looked into their soundproof room, where they write their music. He walked in their, made sure not to mess with their things... too much.

This was fun, but it didn't stop his boredom forever. It probably did for longer than it should've though.

He walks past the back door, then walks back and looks out it.

(Y/N): Oh ho. Here we go.

He went back upstairs, and came back downstairs soon after, in nothing but shorts.

He went out the back door.

(Y/N): Who doesn't love night-swimming?!

He hopped into the pool.

(Y/N): Oh, yes! This feels so good.

He swam around in it. From doing laps to timing himself to see how fast he was. This kept him busy for a while.

After a while, he was just sitting with his arms on the ledge that could see Inkopolis.

(Y/N): I really hope these two never kick me out; I love this view too much. Wait! They've gotta have them. How could they not?

Then he saw them. Their rafts.

(Y/N): Here it is!

He said as he pulled out the raft that let you lay on your back with a head rest. He threw it in the pool then hopped on it.

He felt so relaxed and calm laying on the raft, feeling and hearing the water go all around him, and then also being able to admire the view.

(Y/N): Wow! This is the life. I could just float here *Yawn* forever. They've... They've really... got it made.

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