Chapter 37

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A week has passed and everything seems to return to normal.

After Shen Chen turned back to his normal self he again wholly dedicated himself to his work. The Shen Conglomerate which had a reputation crisis brewing has turned back around and, suddenly, its profit margin doubled by month.

You Haoyu is now busy preparing for the character he’s been set to act.

Xiao Tiantian is just… around. Aside from going to the university for his lessons, he’d stay in the café he’s working in, perhaps still waiting for Shen Chen.

As for the third member of the Top, since the inexplicable call last time, he has done nothing else, and the agents he was in contact with didn’t dig up anything else.

As expected of a legendary hacker. He has left nothing traceable for them.

Du You puts down his milk and is about to head off for work.

It’s just past seven in the morning. Frost adorns the branches outdoors, and the morning air is fresh but also piercingly cold.

As he lives in a well-off neighbourhood, it’s usually quiet. Today, though, it is unusually lively.

A truck has stopped opposite his residence. Movers are lifting furniture down the truck one by one.

“They were here when I was out grocery shopping earlier in the morning,” the auntie he hired is seeing him off and, seeing him watching, thinks he might find them noisy, and explains, “I greeted them too. They say it’s a single young man moving in. They say he’s a taciturn person.”

“That’s alright.”

Du You retracts his gaze as his driver is already here. He gets on.

Normally, assistant Xiao would also be in the car, using the time to report on his schedule and work for the day.

Yesterday though she took a sick day so it’s another girl from the secretariat here in the car today.

Normally assistant Xiao handles all communications from him to the branches below, so Du You is unfamiliar with her.

He greets her, “good morning.”

“Oh, right! Good morning!” Her surname is Lu. She is younger than assistant Xiao; she seems quite nervous right now.

And she starts her report while fumbling over her words. Though she is incoherent from the anxiety, at least she did finish the report in time.

When he leaves the car, Du You hears her sigh greatly in relief.

He touches his own face and feels a bit despondent.

Was he that scary?

In the company, he immediately notices that something seems to be different today. Especially the female staff. They’re chitchatting giddily, looking positively thrilled as if they’re seeing an idol in the flesh.

“Did you see the intern? Gods, how can someone be so handsome.”

“I did I did, the one with HR just now, right? Why’d he not at our department, I’m so jealous.”

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