Chapter 1: Empress Layla and Princess Aria

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"Happy Birthday!"

"Happy Birthday Princess!"

The little princess, only the age of 5, ran through the halls of her palace as fast as she could. The servants moved and bowed to her all wishing her a happy birthday, she was now 6 years old and like every year she was excited cause the one person she waits for was there.

The servants opened the big doors to the reception hall where her mother, the Empress, sat apon her throne. The two people in front of her mother turn to see the little princess as she runs in. The little boy who stood next to his mother smiled big and ran towards her.

"Lloyd!" The little princess jumps into his arms

Lloyd, the little boy, gives her a big hug "Aria!"

"Lloyd, manners." His mother scolds

"But mommm" Lloyd whines turning to his mother holding the little princess's hand.

"It's ok Misako." Layla let's out a small laugh "They haven't seen each other in awhile."

"Hello miss Misako." Aria, the little princess, smiles to Lloyd's mother.

"Hello princess" Misako does a small bow to her "Happy Birthday."

"Thank you." Aria's smile grows bigger then turns to Lloyd "Happy Birthday Lloydie."

"Thanks" Lloyd holds both her hands "Happy Birthday."

"Aww they're so cute." Layla squeals

"Your majesty." The Empress's advisor looks at her disprovingly.

"Oh lighten up Clouse" Layla laughs "We're all friends here."

"The kids are to be wed when they're older after all." Misako agrees "It's only natural for them to be so close."

"Eww" Lloyd says as he blushes "Cut it out mom, she's my best friend, that's it!"

"Oh my" Misako covers her mouth.

"So you don't wanna marry me." Aria pouts and tears up.

"Ah!" Lloyd turns to Aria quickly "Uh- well- no- I-"

Layla bursts out laughing "I'm sorry I can't hold it, this is too cute."

"Mommy" Aria runs to her mother and hugs her, she looks up with tears in her eyes "Lloydie doesn't like me."

"Aww" Misako turns to Lloyd "Shame on you Lloyd, how could you say that to your fiance!"

"I- I didn't mean-" Lloyd blushes more and looks down.

"There there my little star" Layla picks up her daughter "He's a young boy after all, don't belive all he says, men are insecure."

"What?!" Lloyd shouts looking up, then whines "I am not."

"Your mother's right Aria" Misako nods "They're all insecure."

"Really?" Aria tilts her head.

"Hey! Mom!" Lloyd looks at his mother.

"Don't mom me" Misako shakes her head

"Even daddy was?" Aria asks

"Uhhhhh" Layla looks away

Aria looks at Misako who also looked away.

"My little star why don't you go play with Lloyd until your ball tonight?" Layla suggests with a nervous smile.

"Ok" Aria jumped off her mother's lap and ran to Lloyd "Let's go"

"Ok" Lloyd nods happily

Aria grabs his hand and the two kids run out of the hall.

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