Chapter 46: The Gilded Path

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The Resistance continue planning how to save Ninjago.

"Even if we were to get 'em alone, none of us stand a chance against his power" Lloyd sighs "We can't risk an all-out assault. My father is too powerful"

Dareth runs in "It's an ambush!"

"Protect the base!" Lloyd shouts

The Sons of Garmadon rush in and they fight.

"And welcome to my foot!" Nya kicks them.

"Take the son alive!" Harumi shouts

Skylor runs to Lloyd "There's too many. We need to get you out of here"

"No! We need to fight!" Lloyd shouts

"Get Mistaké" Killow orders

Lloyd looks around "We're losing"

Harumi goes in front of him "I missed you, Lloyd"

"And you'll miss me again" Lloyd says blocking an attack from her and running 

"Nya! Get Lloyd out of here!" Skylor shouts

"Come on!" Nya leads Lloyd to an armored vehicle.


Layla awoke in the middle of the night to crying.

"Aria?" Layla walked out of her room and to her daughter's room

Svern had Aria inside a dark ball.

"Put her down!" Layla shouts running over

Startled, Svern's ball popped and Layla caught her daughter. Aria kept crying as Layla held her in her arms.

"What the hell?!" Layla shouts "What did you think you were doing?!"

"I only wanted to see if she was a dragon." Svern puts his hands up in defense "An Oni-Dragon would be legendary, after the let down of our son.."

"How dare you!" Layla smacks him "Zero is dead! Don't you dare speak of him like that!"

"He was a let down!" Svern argues "I want a successor! Not just some child!"

"Our daughter is an Oni! A descend of us! Our child!" Layla shouts "Why isn't that ever enough for you?!"

"...this realm.. belongs to me.." Svern says "That will always be my goal."

"..I can't take it anymore.." Layla backs away from him "I will not loose another child because of you! Get out!"

"Layla, come on love, you don't mean that." Svern walks towards her

"Guards!" Layla calls out

"Layla!" Svern shouts "Think!"

"Guards help!" Layla shouts "Their's an intruder!"

"You're making a mistake." Svern says as guards rush in and surround him "The citizens of Ninjago will never accept Aria as their princess, with no explanation of birth."

"I am the Empress of Ninjago." Layla says "I will just have to find a husband."

"I won't survive without you, you know that!" Svern shouts

"Then you will go back where you belong." Layla turns away "On that Dark Island."

"Layla!" Svern shouts as the doors slam behind her

"Shh" Layla comforts Aria "There there my little star, nobody will hurt you."

As the little baby Aria continued crying, vases began to shatter.

"Aria." Layla hugs her daughter "It's ok."

Aria cried out once again and the palace windows shattered, Layla looked into her daughter's purple eyes that use to be green.

"Oh dear.." Layla looks back at the room "I made the right decision then."


Lloyd and Nya blend in the city with disguises.

Gayle is on TV "What, by all accounts, looks like a devastating blow to the Resistance. The Green Ninja's secret headquarters has been raided with numerous arrests made."

Lloyd pulls out his gi "Are you sure I have to do this?"

"I already got rid of the vehicle I spend forever building. We need to destroy everything that can give us away" Nya tells him

Lloyd looks at it "But this. This is who I am"

"That suit never made you what you are. It's what's inside of you. From here on out, we have to hide our identities. They'll be looking for us, and wearing our colors will only draw attention" Nya says

Lloyd sighs "The Resistance never quits" he burns his gi

"Who's hungry?" Skylor and Dareth approaches them with food.

"You didn't steal that, did you?" Nya questions "We don't have any money"

Dareth points to Skylor "Oh, you're forgetting that she owns a noodle empire"

Skylor shrugs "Eh. And there are still a few kind souls who are watching over us"

"This place is kinda sketchy. Are you sure we're safe here?" Dareth asks

"For the time being" Nya replies

"What about our friends? My mother?" Lloyd asks worriedly

"The word on the street is that they were all taken to Kryptarium Prison" Skylor says

Lloyd clenched his fist

Nya placed her hand on top of his fist "They'll be all right. But will you?"

"I already lost my powers. Now my friends, I couldn't protect them" Lloyd says angrily

Skylor sighs "It took us all by surprise. But we have to endure"

"Yeah, right. Endure. Living in squalor with the rats" Lloyd complains

"Even those who have nothing find the will to carry on." Skylor tells him

Dareth sees a rat "Ah! Rat, rat, rat, rat. Rat, rat, rat, rat, rat, rat, rat, rat, rat, rat, rat, rat, rat, rat, rat, rat, rat, rat, rat, rat, rat " he grabs a mop

"Wait! Stop! Don't!" the rat shouts

"Uh, is that rat talking to us?" Nya asks

"Yes. I believe it is" Lloyd replies

"Oh. I'm sorry. Sometimes I forget how unnerving this can be" the rat laughs "Uh, how about this?" it transforms to Mistaké "Ah. Much better"

"Mistaké?" Skylor looks confused

Nya blinked "Y-you were just—"

"H-how did you do that?" Lloyd asks

"Ooh, food. Ha-ha. I'm famished" Mistaké grabs the bag from Lloyd "Perhaps now is the time to tell you all who I really am. Or maybe after I eat"

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