Chapter 64: Behind the Ivory

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"I'm afraid Empress, you can't leave either."

As Aria tried to flee rocks flew in front, blocking her path.

"So," Aria faces the Skull Sorcerer "I just have to beat you then?"

"You are not as mighty here as you think." the Skull Sorcerer holds up his skull

"We'll see about that." Aria replies as her eyes glow purple "Hazza D'ur."

The Skull of Hazza D'ur: uh.. master?

"Master?!" the Skull Sorcerer shouts at it

"hehe," Aria creates an energy ball in her hand "Hazza D'ur, bow before your master."

The Skull Sorcerer moves out of the way of the blast.

"Fun fact, vengestone doesn't work on the power of the Oni." Aria smirks

"Then I will burry you instead!" the Skull Sorcerer laughs as the walls around them began to crumble

"Are you insane?!" Aria shouts

"Very" the Skull Sorcerer says before the wall falls in front of him

"Shit" Aria curses looking around

Aria's crystal necklace glows a bright pink as she covers her head from the crumbling rocks.


The Ninja stood behind Princess Vania who had just finished explaining what happened to her, Aria, and Cole that night.

"I'm very disappointed, Vania. It is forbidden to enter the mountain!" King Vangelis shouts "The rule of law is there for a reason. It is unsafe below. Not only did you endanger yourself, but you have also endangered our guests."

Vania looks down "I-I'm sorry, father"

"I will send three brigades of my ablest guards at once." King Vangelis turns towards the ninja "They will find your friend and the Empress. Have no fear."

"We'll go too" Kai says

"I cannot allow that" King Vangelis declines "The dungeons are treacherous. We have lived here for centuries, and even we do not enter them lightly. There are things that dwell below that... should not be disturbed"

"So the creature Cole saw was real?" Nya asks

"You told me I imagined it!" Vania looks upset

"I said what I had to to protect you, child" King Vangelis defends "One day, when you are older, you'll understand. Now, time is of the essence. I must dispatch my men. I ask you all to remain calm and stay here"

"We can't just stay here. Cole is our friend!" Kai argues

"Yeah, we have to help!" Jay agrees

"King Vangelis please, we were supposed to guard the Empress." Lloyd tries to reason "We have to look for them."

"It is out of the question. I will not put anyone else in danger. My men will bring them back." King Vangelis insists "Trust in them, I wouldn't allow harm to come to the Empress."

Kai looks annoyed "Yeah-"

"Of course, King Vangelis. We will do as you ask" Wu intervenes

"Thank you. Now please, I have much to attend" King Vangelis smiles lightly "As do you, Vania"

The group walks out

"You don't really think we're gonna sit this one out, do you?" Lloyd asks Wu

"I fear Cole has bitten off more then he can chew" Wu looks at Vania "Princess, I don't want to get you into any more trouble, but do you think you could perhaps show us-"

Vania pulls out two torches "the way into the dungeons? You bet. Follow me!"

She hands Wu a torch and runs off.

"Okay" Lloyd shrugs

The ninja and Wu follow Vania. She takes the ninja to the opening in the palace gardens.

"Here it is" Vania sighs "I wish I could go with you. I feel like this is all my fault"

"No, we don't want you to get into any more trouble." Nya insists "We'll handle it from here."

Lloyd looks at her suspiciously "Yeah. You've done enough. Come on, guys"

Wu stays standing next to Vania as the ninja start heading in.

"Master?" Zane looks at him

"Go on without me, Zane. I would only slow you down" Wu says

"Master Wu, that is not so" Zane disagrees

"It is, not matter how I wish it weren't. Now go, quickly, before someone sees you" Wu holds the torch out to him

Zane takes the torch and runs off.

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