Chapter 74: Kaname and Hanabusa, On the Hunt

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 Aria sat in the garden's playing with one of the palace dogs when Hanabusa bursts through the doors.

"Empress!" Hanabusa rushes towards her

"What now?" Aria whines

"We just got a call from Kryptarium Prison!" Hanabusa says panicked "the ninja, they just broke out!"

"...those idiots!" Aria shouts annoyed "Oh come on! Two weeks! I said two weeks!"

"Well they thought 5 years." Hanabusa says annoyed "Maybe a little note: Hey, you will be out in 2 weeks. Love the Empress." he stares at her

"..." Aria glares at him "I don't like your attitude.. you're going to capture them!"

"Why me?!" Hanabusa shouts

"Because I said so." Aria turns and heads into the palace

"But Empresssss" Hanabusa whines following her

"Kaname can go with her." Aria adds as she passes Kaname

"I- what?" Kaname looks confused

"Have fun boys," Aria waves to them with a smirk on her face as she heads off to find Zero.


"I can't believe I got stuck going with you." Kaname complains

He and Hanabusa were currently in a helicopter tracking the Ninja. Kaname was flying, angrily, while Hanabusa was in the passenger seat, looking like a frightened puppy dog.

"When will you learn to not annoy the Empress?!" Kaname glares at him

"I said I'm sorry." Hanabusa sighs, slumping back in his seat. He soon catches a glimpse of a couple ninja standing outside of a car "Oh! There!"

Kaname grabs the radio "Listen up you stupid Ninja! I don't have time to waist out here! Accept being arrested!"

Hanabusa shrinks back as the Ninja rush to board the car and begin escaping. Kaname, still very angry, begins chasing them until he in front of them, and they slam the brakes before driving off the road.

"Kaname!" Hanabusa sits up "After them!"

"I know!" Kaname growls before quickly moving the helicopter

They soon chase them to a cliff.

"Don't be stupid guys!" Hanabusa shouts into the radio "Please-"

The van suddenly slides backwards, off the cliff, and into the river.

"Damn it!" Kaname curses

"Come on!" Hanabusa quickly presses a button and the helicopter changes into a car, which he was now driving

"...when was that added?" Kaname asks looking confused

"Let's go!" Hanabusa presses the gas and they go off the cliff, he cheers happily "WooHoo!"

"I'm going to kill you!" Kaname shouts as they get closer to the river

They land in with a splash and Hanabusa quickly chases after the ninja, soon ramming into the back of the car. Zane reaches out and blasts ice at them, freezing their car and the river.

"Great," Kaname glares at Hanabusa who just grins "now we're stuck."

"Well.." Hanabusa laughs nervously "It, was, a good idea."

Kaname grabs him by the collar "If you don't get out.. and get this car moving.. I will hang your body from the cliff."

"Yes sir!" Hanabusa runs out of the car

Kaname sighs and sits back in his seat "Why did i get stuck with this idiot?!"


Later that day, Hanabusa was driving the car through the desert while Kaname was looking at a map.

"The only thing in this desert is a gas station," Kaname breaks the silence "head there."

"Yes sir," Hanabusa agrees, still fearing for his life.

They soon arrive at the gas station, it seemed normal, but the two knew better then to judge something based on it's looks alone. The two get out of the car and head inside, where the lone store owner, Twitchy, stood.

"Well, howdy, sir? What'll it be, leaded or unleaded?" Twitchy asks

Kaname ignores him and looks around as Hanabusa approaches Twitchy.

"We're on the lookout for some escaped prisoners, have you seen the ninja?" Hanabusa questions "We thought they might be headed this way."

"Well, boy, are you a good guesser!" Twitchy points to the counter "They're right here."

"Twitchy!" Lloyd stands up from behind the counter

Cole stands up as well "You were supposed to hide us!"

"I was?" Twitchy looks confused before twitching "Well I'll be tickled pink, if it ain't my friends the ninja! Leaded or unleaded?"

Kaname holds his sword to Lloyd's neck "Nobody move! I've had just about enough of chasing you idiots around with another idiot!"

"Hey!" Hanabusa looks annoyed

Twitchy Tim flees out the side door just before Fugi-Dove hurls Jay out the side door. He then leaped onto the shelves, knocking them over.

"My cry fills the night!" Fugi-Dove tackles Kaname before looking at the ninja "Fly, you fools! Go, save yourselves! Take care of my Blue Jay!"

The ninja flee out the front door and meet up with Jay. Kaname angrily throws Fugi-Dove into the wall, his eyes glowing red.

"Go get them you idiot!" Kaname shouts at Hanabusa

"Ok!" Hanabusa quickly runs out the front door

Kaname runs out next to Hanabusa as the ninja speed away in their car.

"Ugh!" Kaname punches the wall, breaking it in half, he breathes heavy as he looks at Hanabusa "You still have the crystal?"

"Y-yes" Hanabusa hands it to him

Kaname takes a deep breathe before tapping it "Empress."

Hanabusa walks over and stands beside him.

"Empress Aria." Kaname repeats "Are you there?"

"Oh hello, you must be Kaname." A familiar female voice laughs "My,  you sound all grown up since I last saw you."

"What?" Hanabusa's eyes widen, looking shocked.

Kaname grips the jewel tightly "Layla.."

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