Chapter 69: The Turn of the Tide

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Aria was asleep in her room when Kaname wakes her up.

"Your highness, Lloyd is here, he says it's urgent" Kaname informs

Aria whines and rubs her eyes. She walks out of her room not even bothering to change out of her nightgown. She heads into the throne room where Lloyd was.

"Lloydie, I'm exhausted" Aria yawns

"I'm sorry Aria, but we're evacuating the city as we speak" Lloyd walks over and takes her hand "You need to evacuate as well for safety"

"Can't you explain what's happening first?" Aria asks rubbing her eyes

Suddenly, the skies darken and purple lightning flashes.

"Empress Aria!" Hanabusa runs in

Lloyd and Aria stand in front of the tv with her Vampire Knights. At the harbor, Gayle Gossip is reporting the rising sea level and the storms.

"I'm reporting from Ninjago Harbor where sea levels are rapidly rising, prompting an evacuation of the city. Within the past ten minutes, winds have picked up nearly twenty knots, and a storm front has come out of nowhere" She gasps as Wojira emerges "What is that?"

"Destroy them all!" Kalmaar laughs as Wojira floods the city

"Oh no" Lloyd says "I have to get back to the ninja"

"Come on" Aria complains

Aria turns around and almost falls but Lloyd catches her.

"Empress Aria" Hanabusa says worriedly "You've used up too much power in the past couple days"

"Get her somewhere safe" Lloyd says picking up Aria and handing her to Hanabusa

"Will you all be able to handle it?" Kaname asks

"Of course" Lloyd replies "saving the city is our job, protecting Aria is yours"

Lloyd quickly leaves and the castle begins preparations.

"Rima, what's the situation?" Kaname turns to one of the female knights

"the city is flooding and the water is leaking into the palace" Rima reports

"I gotta help" Aria says "If the city is destroyed now, mom and dad might attack."

"I advise you to let the ninja take care of it" Kaname says "you need your rest"

Aria looks over at him "But-"

"He's right" Hanabusa looks down at her "lets wait it out"

"...fine" Aria closes her eyes "I trust you guys then"


Aria woke up to see herself in her bed.

"Good morning your highness" Kaname speaks from beside her "I hope you rested well"

"...did I sleep through the entire attack?" Aria questions

"Yes, yes you did" Hanabusa confirms

"I'm going to assume everything went well" Aria says

"Yes, except that the water ninja is now gone" Kaname tells her "the ninja have reported her missing if not dead."

Aria stood up and looked out the window at the half destroyed city "Nya's.. gone?"

"Unfortunately, your majesty." Kaname confirms

"Call the council," Aria says as she begins to prepare "this is an important matter."

Alright, so i'm going to try to write a bunch of chapters tonight so i can publish them throughout my busy week. Keyword is, try.

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