Chapter 20: The Forgotten Element

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Aria sat inside a cave in the forest, knowing that Chen was right she didn't want to risk getting caught. If they confront her away from the masters she can fight them off, but in front of Lloyd and the others she couldn't use her powers.

If Lloyd was caught though, what could she do. She decided to go check out what was happening. After making her way back to Chen's, she sat on top of the building looking in.

Chen finished stealing his daughter's power.

"And now for the final Element. Only one can remain!" Chen steals Lloyd's Energy "behold! Every Elemental Power, all in my control! Do you feel the power? I do! All of you who bear the mark of the Anacondrai, it is time. We will shed our skins for new ones, and be the most powerful force in all of Ninjago!"

"Lloyd.." Aria's clenches her fist "No way in hell is he getting away with that."

Kai looks up at the window before looking at Chen "Hey Chen! I think you forgot something."

"What are you talking about?" Chen laughs "I haven't forgotten anything."

The glass shatters above them and Chen shouts. Aria jumps down and lands in front of them.

"Your highness.." Chen stares at her "Everyone's here.."

"So it seems." Aria's eyes glow purple and Lloyd's eyes widen.

"You wouldn't dare." Chen raises his staff

"Oh.." Aria creates a dark energy ball in her hand "I think I do."

The masters present all stare shocked. Aria shoots a beam at him and Chen jumps out of the way.

"Clouse!" Chen shouts

Clouse creates darkness in his hands, the two charge at each other and begin fighting.

"Now!" Kai shouts

Skylor kicks Chen's staff away.

"You betray me!?" Chen yells furiously

Kai catches it and used it to give Lloyd his Energy back.

"Hurry, Kai. You must destroy the staff" Lloyd instructs

"Chen was right. This thing's awesome" Kai says as he uses it against cultists

Lloyd became worried "Kai, it holds too much power! Destroy it! The power is corrupting him. If we don't get that staff out of his hands—"

"No one is taking my staff! You had all that power. Now it's my turn!" Kai goes back to normal "Ah, what am I saying?" He gets corrupted again "Nothing I don't already feel! I can't...I can't control it. I don't want to control it! I should've been the Green Ninja"

Cole flies in with the Jet knocking the staff out of Kai's hands.

"Did anyone order some kung pao?" Cole questions

Kai and Chen raced for the staff, but Aria grabs it and it exploads.

"No!" Chen shouts as everyone's powers are returned

All 6 of the Ninja reunite and gathered into formation "Ninja, go!" Using Spinjitzu they defeat the cultists.

"It always brings tears to my eyes when I see the old gang back together" Nya comments happily

Garmadon notices Clouse and Chen escape. The Masters trapped some Cultists and lead them outside.

"You were very brave Aria." Garmadon puts his hand on her shoulder "I know it must've been a hard decision to show your powers like that."

"I didn't really think much about it at the time." Aria replies honestly "When I saw Chen take Lloyd's powers, I just snapped."

"The type of power you have isn't what matters." Garmadon smiles "It's how you use them."

"Thank you Sensei." Aria hugs him

Lloyd stands with the other ninja staring at Aria and Garmadon.

"So the princess really is an elemental." Kai says

"Yeah.." Lloyd looks down "A dark one."

"In retrospect, their is only one elemental of darkness." Zane explains "The origins of the element is-"

"The Overlord I know Zane." Lloyd sighs

"So Aria's a descendent of the Overlord." Jay laughs "That's not frightening at all."

"The princess is a respectable person, their is no reason to be frightened." Zane tells him "She could be a cousin or-"

"His daughter.." Cole speaks up

"What?!" Lloyd looks at him

"Aria is the Overlord's daughter." Cole clarifies "My aunt Layla, the empress, is his ex-wife."

"You knew?!" Jay freaks out grabbing his shirt

"I'm her cousin, Jay." Cole takes Jay's hands off him "Of course I knew.. but Aria's a sweet girl, she would never harm anyone."

"Yeah, don't look like that Lloyd." Kai turns to him "You know her personally."

"Yeah.. I grew up with her when I was young." Lloyd put his hand on his head "I just don't know how to feel."

"Your father is close with her as well, and he is very wise." Zane says "I don't think she is any different then she was before. Her origins changes nothing, she is still the next empress of Ninjago."

Garmadon approaches with Aria following.

"Well done Ninja." Garmadon places a hand on Kai's shoulder "Don't worry, we'll find Skylor and Chen."

"I know." Kai nods

"So, we have a confession." Garmadon pulls Aria out from behind him "Years ago I became Aria's sensei, and taught her how to use her elemental power. Thanks to that, we were able to surprise Chen and return everyone's powers."

"Really good job princess." Kai smiles to her "Couldn't have done it without you. I won't lie and say I wasn't surprised when you whipped out your powers, I was just expecting you to come in with guards or something."

"I'm sorry." Aria apologizes embarrassed

"What are you sorry for?" Zane questions "The plan exceeded expectations."

Aria looked down "I just.."

"Hey," Kai held out his hand "I look forward to working with you more."

Aria looked up surprised, she looks at Garmadon and he nods to her. Aria smiles and takes his hand.

"Me too!" Aria agrees excitedly and the ninja chuckle.

"It's funny. I came here to find an old friend..." Kai looks around

Zane turns on his funny switch, making everyone laugh.

"Hello, my baby. Hello, my honey. Hello, my ragtime gal. Send me a kiss by the wire."

Kai smiles "..I just never thought we'd make new ones"

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