Chapter 36: Dead Man's Squall

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Aria sat beside Zero on the bounty. After searching the palace until late at night Lloyd had came to drag her back. Lloyd was out searching for Zane who went undercover in the Sons of Garmadon and Cole who went missing.

Nya builds something under the Bounty.

"Ugh, do you mind, sis? We're trying to save Cole and Zane" Kai says

"What do you think I'm doing? Zane won't last long undercover in a biker gang without a bike" Nya replies annoyed 

"Harumi, can you hand me the electric torque wrench?" Nya asks noticing Harumi near the tool box

"Yes, of course" Harumi hands her a tool.

"Oh, sweetie, that's the torque multiplier" Nya says

Aria grabbed the right tool and handed it to Nya.

"Huh" Nya looks surprised "Thanks Princess."

"My dear older sister knows not of tools, she did not study them." Aria says smugly

"Right.." Harumi's smile twitches "Of course my dear younger sister spent much time outside of royal life, she knows more then I."

Zero whistles and the ninja look away at the awkward tension.

"At least when this is all over, order can be restored." Aria walks off "When I take the throne."

Kai sighs and took out his communicator "Lloyd, did you find their hideout?"

"No sign of Zane or Cole. They could be anywhere by now" Lloyd replies

"ok well hurry up and get back before someone gets hurt" Kai says

"What's going on?" Lloyd asks

Kai shakes his head "just a cat fight"


The Ninja are searching for Zane when the flashlight shines on him. The other ninja came down to help carry him onto the ship. Aria and Nya went into a room to repair him while the other ninja went to take care of the crying baby Cole found.

"Maybe he's thirsty. Give him some milk" Lloyd suggests

Cole sighs "I tried. He doesn't like milk.

"What else do babies drink?" Jay asks

Kai shrugs "Don't ask me. Ask him"

"He's a baby! He hasn't learned how to talk yet" Cole shouts

"Oh! Maybe he needs a diaper change" Jay suggests

"Oh my gosh. Do we even have diapers?" Cole questions

"Why would we have diapers? We're Ninja!" Lloyd says annoyed

"Ooh! Maybe we can use one of our hoods instead" Jay suggests

Kai took a step back "Not my hood"

"We'll draw straws. Loser gives up their hood" Lloyd says

Harumi starts singing and the baby stops crying "The spider's in the house. Sleep sleep. The spider bit the mouse. Sleep deep. Don't wake up or else you'll find a spider in your mouth."

"Wow. You're really good at that" Cole says

Harumi shook her head "Nah. He's just tired. Too much excitement. He'll go to sleep now"

She and Lloyd go out to see a storm.

"My father told me they call this the Dead Man's Squall" Lloyd says

"Do you remember much about your father before he left you as a child? When he was...bad?" Harumi asks

"No, not really. I was too young" Lloyd replies "What about your parents?"

Harumi looks down "Sometimes in my dreams, they're right next to me. It's like they're still here, but then I, I wake up..."

Lloyd placed his hand on top of hers "You're not alone, Rumi"

"Neither are you. I know it must be difficult to think they're trying to bring your father back. I can't imagine what must be going through your head. Whatever happens, I'll be here" Harumi leans in to kiss him but he takes a step back

"What's wrong?" Harumi asks

"Nothing.. just.." Lloyd looks away "Sorry.."


"Mother use to tell me about the masks when we I was a child." Zero tells Aria

"We've seen what it can do when used by mere mortals of this realm." Aria says "I wonder what it could do when used by a true Oni."

"I'm sure it would bring destruction." Zero looks at her "Do not use it, I know that look in your eyes."

"What look?" Aria asks innocently

"You are a good girl, always have been." Zero says "Don't change that."

"Some years ago, I tried being bad." Aria admits "In the end I didn't do much but sit on the sidelines, because I couldn't bring myself to be what father had imagined. I love the people of this realm, and how it has grown. But sometimes change is necessary, for better or worse."

"You're right about that." Zero sighs "You're much wiser then I am, and I'm older."

"You'll get use to it." Aria laughs

The two stood up as the power in the bounty went off. Soon the Bounty rocked as the ship's thruster is shot.

"not good" Aria says running out of the room

They run to the deck to see the ninja fighting the Samurai Mech as Jay holds off lightning. When the Samurai Mech captured Harumi, Lloyd went after it.

"What's happening?" Aria asks

"We were attacked, we're going to go down!" Kai panics

Zane woke up and destroyed the trap. Just when P.I.X.A.L. completed the reboot, her sword destroyed the last thruster. Aria ran to the other ninja and the Bounty began to fall.

"He got the last thruster!" Jay shouts

"Any ideas?" Kai asks

"Pray to Wohira!" Jay shouts

"That is not helpful!" Nya and Aria say

"Perhaps if we can create enough drag with the sails, we may be able to achieve a controlled crash" Zane suggests

Jay gasps "The rain! It could slow our fall!"

"It's worth a try" Nya agrees

"I'm going after Lloyd" Aria tells them

"How?!" Kai asks

Aria runs to the end of the Bounty and jumps off the side.

"Guys she jumped!" Zero shouts

The ninja all look at him "She jumped!"

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