Chapter 22: Return Home; The Young Prince

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The Elemental Masters fly on their Dragons back to Ninjago.

"Chen and his Anacondrai army have a day's start on us. Be prepared for anything and everything" Lloyd instructed

"How did we lose so much time?" Kai questioned

"Mastering your fear to create Power Dragons takes time" Jay says

"Well, we're running out of that" Nya pointed ahead "There's Ninjago City. Hurry."

"Remember, whatever happens down there, we're stronger united. We fight as one" Lloyd instructed

"Let's do this!" Jay shouts

Kai lands his Dragon, and a woman sees Skylor "Serpentine!"

Everyone screams and panics.

"If we're the first ones they've seen, where's Chen and why hasn't he attacked?" Garmadon questions

"We'll worry about that later, we have to get you and Skylor off the streets before you cause a even bigger panic" Aria says

"Aria's right, everyone else stick together and watch over the people" Lloyd ordered

Skylor notices her hand is going back to normal.

"I have to go home to inform my mother on what's happening." Aria tells them "Be careful everyone."

"We will, we'll inform you if anything happens." Lloyd replies

With that everyone goes their separate ways.

"Mother!" Aria walks into the palace

She hears a baby crying and walks into a room where their was indeed a baby.

"What the.." Aria approaches it shocked

"Oh Aria." Layla walks into the room looking tired "you're back."

"Mother, who is this?" Aria asks

"Your brother." Layla smiles "isn't he cute."

"Mother.." Aria goes and shuts the doors before looking at her mother "That baby's part dragon.."

"...well.. your father and I did.. talk.." Layla laughs

"Mom!" Aria shouts "You gave birth to another child, of the Overlord!"

"Shh." Layla covers Aria's mouth "They can't know that."

"This is bad." Aria walks towards the baby

"No it's not." Layla walks towards the two, she picks up her son "Aria this is Zero, Zero this is your big sister."

Zero laughs and holds his hands out to Aria.

"Mom.. I know you said you love dad.. but I didn't think you actually loved him." Aria sighs

"Of course I do, it's complicated." Layla hands Zero to Aria

Aria awkwardly held her little brother. Layla laughs and moves Aria's hands so she's properly holding him.

"We have nothing to worry about, he won't inherit your father's powers, you already have them." Layla smiles "Think of him as someone to look after you once I'm gone. After all, you two will live very long, you'll need him."

"Mhm.." Aria stares at her brother, he had white hair and green eyes "Anyway, please take the little monster back." She hands the child back to Layla "I have something important to tell you about."

"Yes, how did the tournament go?" Layla asks as she sits down with Zero

"Well Clouse betrayed us, he stole your spell book, Master Chen turned themselves and his followers into Anacondrai, and they're somewhere in Ninjago." Aria explains

"That explains where the spellbook went." Layla sighs "Now if only I could find my skull."

"Your what?" Aria looks confused

"Not important." Layla smiles "I'm sure the ninja will handle it."

Their's a knock on the door and Hutchins enters frantically.

"Empress, Princess, their's a problem." Hutchins gasps for air

"What kind of problem?" Layla asks


"How can this be?" Richard stares at the newspaper

"Certainly their's an answer for this." Harumi looks at it confused

"But who would've told." Layla sighs

Aria stares at the newspaper in shock, the breaking news was her. It was showing everyone that Aria was the Overlord's daughter.

"It's not like we can hide it now that it's out." Richard comforts Layla

"It was Chen.." Aria says putting the paper down "He didn't attack right away, so he took the opportunity to bring us down."

"At least Aria is the second princess." Richard says "it would be worse if they feared the Overlord's daughter was next in line for the throne."

"What do you mean?!" Aria looks at him

"Naturally Harumi is older.." Layla looks at her daughter sympathetically "The first born takes the throne."

"You've got to be kidding me." Aria huffs

"It will take pressure off your shoulders." Harumi attemps to comfort her but Aria moves away.

"Your right mother.." Aria walks over and picks up Zero "I will need him after all."

The royal family watches sadly as Aria walks out of the room with Zero.

"Well, it'll be you and me." Aria looks at Zero who was holding onto her sleeping peacefully "Little brother."


Aria was crying in her room with Zero sitting on her lap. The Ninja succeeded in stopping Chen, but Garmadon was gone.

"I lost my crown, I lost my Sensei, what else?!" Aria shouts frustrated

"Aria.." Layla comes into her room "As much as I love you spending time with Zero, you need to leave your room."

"Why, so something else bad can happen?" Aria asks

"Well.. I do have bad news.." Layla sits next to her "Lloyd asked for the betrothal to be called off."

"Great.. lost that now too." Aria covers her eyes

"Ah!" Zero reaches up for her hands

Aria uncovers her eyes and puts her hands around Zero. Zero smiles and holds her hands.

"He's smart." Layla moves hair out of Aria's face "just like you."

"You're not helping mom." Aria cries

"I'm sorry." Layla hugs her

"I did everything I was told since I was little, followed every rule, did all I could." Aria looks at her "What else am I supposed to do?"

"Aria, you just have to be you." Layla kisses her forehead "Stop trying to be perfect, now that the secret's out their's no reason to hide. You're no longer confined to the rules of the palce." She takes one of Aria's hands "Do whatever you want, and I'll still be here to protect you."

"Thanks mom.." Aria smiles

"Bwa" Zero stands up and holds onto Aria

"I think he agrees." Layla laughs and picks up Zero "If you go out you don't gotta tell me, just go."

"Alright." Aria smiles

Layla leaves Aria's room and her smile drops.

"Do whatever I want huh.." Aria's eyes glow purple "Whatever you say mom."

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