Chapter 63: Into the Dark

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The Bounty sails towards the Kingdom of Shintaro.

"See? I told ya. Amazing!" Jay talks fast in excitement

"I'll admit, I wasn't sure it could live up to the legend, but... it's even more beautiful" Nya agrees in amazement

"The Ivory City of Shintaro. Incredible" Wu says

The Winged Guards of Shintaro land the Destiny's Bounty safely on the Kingdom of Shintaro. The ninja, Aria, and Wu are led by Hailmar to be welcomed to Shintaro by King Vangelis.

Hailmar bows before him "It is with great honor, King Vangelis, that I present the famed ninja of Ninjago and their beautiful Empress, Aria"

"Welcome, welcome! I'm most pleased you were able to accept our invitation. It is an honor" King Vangelis bows humbly

"The honor is ours" Wu responds as he and the ninja bow as well "Shintaro is beyond anything we imagined"

"And I am honored to finally meet you Empress Aria, I have heard many great things about you." King Vangelis smiles to her "The rumors of you inheriting your mother's beauty is true, I'm glad my old friend has a piece of her left in this realm."

"I too have heard many great things about you." Aria bows slightly "My mother told me stories of the Ivory City of Shintaro long ago, your reputation as a mighty king succeeds you."

"You're too kind, I am only a mere figurehead. The citizens of our proud city are the heart of Shintaro" King Vangelis says

The Princess runs in looking excited "Oh, they're here!"

"And please, meet my heart. Her Royal Princess Vania" King Vangelis introduces

"I am such a fan!" Princess Vania shouts excitedly, looking at all the ninja "I've read all about your adventures. It was my idea to invite you to my birthday"

"It's an honor to be here, Princess" Cole responds

"So, is it true you've been to Hiroshi's Labyrinth?" Princess Vania asks

"Affirmative" Zane confirms

"Competed in the Tournament of Elements?" Princess Vania asks

"Oh ho, do we have stories for you" Kai says

Vania gasps "I need to hear them all"

Vangelis and Hailmar land between Vania and the ninja. "You can begin by following me. Tomorrow will be a very busy day for all of us"

Vania looks around them "Cole, the Earth Elemental. What is it like to command the very earth? Is it as fun as it sounds?"

"Yeah, pretty much" Cole responds

"Huh. Weird" Jay comments "The Princess seems to like Cole" he looks at Aria "I mean, he's my best friend and all, but Cole?"

"And why are you looking at me?" Aria asks

"Well you're his cousin aren't you? Shouldn't you be interested?" Jay questions

"No," Aria replies  "I can't go into specifics, but it's just weird how the Princess is interested in Cole"

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